- Test
Rugged, portable USB avionics flight line test system for MIL-STD-1553 introduced by DDC
BOHEMIA, N.Y., 19 July 2011. Data Device Corp. (DDC) in Bohemia, N.Y., is introducing the latest version of the company's rugged, portable USB avionics flight-line test and simulation device with concurrent MIL-STD-1553 bus controller, multi-remote terminal, and monitor. The BU-67202U1 also provides real-time intermessage event and data modification, error injection, and error sampling. The USB device for system troubleshooting and flight-line diagnostics also has standard twinax connectors for quick 1553 bus hookup. The BU-67202U1 enables avionics and test engineers to simulate and test bus controller, remote terminal, and monitor functions using one device, says George Los, DDC’s data bus product manager.