NEL Frequency Controls introduces new dual frequency OCXO Reference Module
Aug. 10, 2012
BURLINGTON, Wis., 10 Aug. 2012. NEL Frequency Controls, a frequency controls development company, has released the Dual Frequency Reference Module (DFRM). The new module consists of two ultra low phase noise OCXOs at 10 MHz and 100 MHz that are phase locked together to provide a fully characterized, "plug and play" solution. The DFRM provides customers both low frequency (10 MHz) and intermediary frequency (100 MHz) references in their applications to frequency lock with each other. This solution is integrated in a module with optimized phase noise performance. The DFRM is useful in several aerospace and military embedded systems. Each OCXO is housed in a hermetically sealed metal can. The integrated module combines the advantages of the low close-in phase noise, stability over temperature, and low aging of a 10-MHz OCXO with the superior phase noise on the floor of a 100-MHz OCXO.
The two reference oscillators are characterized by their phase noise: -115 dBc/Hz offset 1 Hz from the carrier and -145 dBc/Hz offset 10 kHz from the carrier. The frequency stability with temperature is from 2 ppb peak to peak, and the aging rate is as good as 0.25 ppb/day. The short-term stability is 1 x 10-12 for 1 s.
The DFRM is useful for any application where a narrow bandwidth is required and when the frequency spectrum is very crowded. Typical applications to use the DFRM would be radar, satellite communications and GPS for the aerospace and military industries.
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