Air Force to establish center of excellence for laser remote sensing and communications
WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB, Ohio, 14 Sept. 2012. U.S. Air Force researchers are planning to establish a Center of Excellence in Guided-Wave Infrared Sources to aid in developing laser-based remote sensing and laser communications for Air Force applications.
The Directed Energy Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory Sensors Directorate at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, issued a broad agency announcement (BAA-RQKSE-2013-02) this week seeking industry applicants to provide the Center of Excellence in Guided-Wave Infrared Sources.
The successful bidder will propose basic and applied-research jobs in remote sensing and free-space communications beyond the diffraction-limited range of a real optical aperture, Air Force researchers say.
Air Force officials are especially interested in laser wavelengths consistent with remote sensing and communications for Air Force applications.
The Air Force is looking for companies with significant experience in teaching students about technical areas in laser-based remote sensing and communications.
The successful bidder also will share results of research with the technical community with frequent workshops, publications, and presentations at conferences.
Companies interested in bidding should respond no later than 24 Nov. 2012 to Air Force Contract Negotiator Jodi Alvarez by e-mail at [email protected], or by phone at 937-255-0470.
For questions or concerns, also contact Contracting Officer Jo Ann Sillaman by e-mail at [email protected], or by phone at 937-255-5073.
More information is online at
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