Improved navigation systems for unmanned vehicles and weapons introduced by Sparton
DE LEON SPRINGS, Fla., 8 Dec. 2013. The Sparton Corp. Navigation and Exploration segment in De Leon Springs, Fla., is introducing the GEDC-6E improved gyro attitude and heading measurement system and the DC-4E enhanced tilt attitude heading system for unmanned vehicle navigation; weapons targeting; and precision guidance applications.
Sparton's GEDC-6E and DC-4E navigation and guidance systems have improved in-field calibration algorithms that offer accuracy and reduced convergence time. The GEDC-6E has centripetal acceleration compensation for dynamic applications, and improved gyro stability.
The navigation and guidance systems also are for industrial & commercial applications in agricultural equipment; land surveying; geological surveying; mapping; transportation; robotics; and satellite communications antenna pointing.
Sparton also released a firmware upgrade for its premium attitude and heading reference system, the AHRS-8. The firmware for the AHRS-8 has the same enhanced features as the GEDC-6E with the addition of full temperature compensated output response across the entire operating range.
The AHRS-8, GEDC-6E, and DC-4E will provide users with improved in-field calibration; in-field calibration convergence time improvement; in-field calibration point selection quality indicator; quality of in-field calibration indicator; in-field calibration point distribution indicator; figure of merit for current magnetic heading accuracy; and reduced start-up time.
For more information contact Sparton Navigation and Exploration online at