Protective covers for solder-side 3U and 6U embedded computing circuit boards introduced by Pixus
WATERLOO, Ontario – Pixus Technologies in Waterloo, Ontario, is introducing solder-side protective covers for 3U and 6U OpenVPX, CompactPCI, and VME/64x embedded computing" target='_blank'>embedded computing circuit boards.
The Pixus circuit board covers provide mechanical protection of the component side of the modules during storage and transportation. The attachment holes are per the respective OpenVPX, CompactPCI, and VME/64x specifications, and come in solid or perforated options.
Standard sizes are 3U by 160 millimeters and 6U x 160 millimeters. There also are sizes for 80-millimeter rear transition modules (RTMs) and 220-millimeter boards.
The 0.3-millimeter anti-static circuit board covers can withstand temperatures as high as 65 degrees Celsius standard. Specialty 0.5-millimeter versions are rated to 120 C.
For more information contact Pixus Technologies online at
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