
Diego Garcia Tracking Station (DGS) is one of the seven worldwide satellite remote tracking stations in the Satellite Control Network (SCN).

Space Force picks Serco to operate and maintain space surveillance for high-orbit satellites and space junk

March 20, 2025
Each GEODSS site uses three one-meter telescopes with sensitive digital cameras to keep track of high-altitude space objects.
The Emerson PAC Machine Edition (PME) 10.6 integrated software design and development tools helps write code for logic controllers

Software design and development tools and simulation to manage logic controllers introduced by Emerson

March 20, 2025
Data monitor helps developers diagnose and resolve logic issues quickly using plotted data, with options for visualizing and analyzing data.
U.S. Air Force cyber security technicians review work orders at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Ariz., who help safeguard operational and communications security for computer and phone systems.
Trusted Computing

Wanted: military systems to benefit from mathematical methods software development for cyber security

March 19, 2025
Sought are military systems that could benefit from software based on formal mathematical methods to verify that systems act in ways that are intended.
A U.S. Air Force battle management operator looks over a radar on the Nevada Test and Training Range during mobile decentralized command and control of joint operations.

Army searching industry for medium-range low-power radar systems to evaluate threat test range scenarios

March 19, 2025
Radar prototypes at White Sands Test Center and Yuma Test Center would initiate and maintain radar tracks independently with low false alarms.
The DZYNE Dronebuster Detect, Track, Identify, Mitigate (DTIM) kit offers wearable detection and identification capability without compromising agility or maneuverability.

Uncrewed aircraft detect and identify system with position, navigation, and timing (PNT) offered by DZYNE

March 19, 2025
DTI antenna detects drones from four miles away; and remote ID and AeroScope provide precise bearings through RF direction-finding technology.