MAE Wrap-Up - Nov 11th, 2022
MAE Wrap-Up | View online
November 11, 2022
Enabling technologies progress for tracked, wheeled, and legged unmanned vehicles.
SOSA seeks to streamline U.S. military capabilities by enabling rapid, affordable, cross-platform capabilities based on industry best practices.
The Airobotics system is designed to operate as a network of smart drones linked to an urban control center and will function as a municipal infrastructure.
ODIN is a cloud-native computer logistics sustainment system with user applications to improve F-35 aircraft sustainment and readiness.
The Orca XLUUV will have well-defined interfaces for affordable future upgrades to capitalize on advances in technology and respond to threat changes.
The CMU-4000 supports the controller-pilot data link communications (CPDLC) portion of the Future Air Navigation Standard (FANS 1/A).
The Integrated Functional Capability (IFC) 4.0 version of the Triton offers SIGINT capability to match that of the Navy's EP-3 manned SIGINT aircraft.
DCS experts will look into the generation, propagation, detection, and use of radiation in wavelenths between near-ultraviolet and far-infrared.
The Boeing MQ-25 aircraft has an advanced, customized remote I/O interface controller based from Aitech Defense Systems Inc. in Chatsworth, Calif.
Aerospace and defense electronics designers who are considering automotive standards for parts quality may not get what they expect.
NASA will host a pre-proposal conference to answer industry questions related to this solicitation on 7 November 2022 at 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern Time. The proposal submission deadline is 9 December 2022.
The Arrowhead targeting sensor suite has forward looking infrared (FLIR) elements of the TADS and the PNVS to provide precision engagement.
The new tech promises to make the production of ethanol-based aviation fuels easier and cheaper than ever before, Kyle Hyatt reports for Jalopnik.