Measurement Specialties

Hampton, VA 23666


About Measurement Specialties


1000 Lucas Way
Hampton, VA 23666
United States

More Info on Measurement Specialties

Produces level and pressure transducers, electronic pressure scanners, and pressure acquisition systems for enviromental, industrial, and aerospace applications. Product lines include high precision KPSI level, and pressure transducers, and quartzonix pressure standards.


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Additional content from Measurement Specialties

Buyer's Guide

KPSI 500 Series

Incorporating a media-isolated sensor, the KPSI 500 features SDI-12 serial-digital interface. The transducer meets the demanding requirements of the USGS Office of Surface Water...
Buyer's Guide

KPSI 700 Series

The KPSI 700 Series of submersible hydrostatic level transducers is specifically designed to meet the rigorous environments encountered in liquid level measurement and control...
Buyer's Guide

KPSI 700 Series

The KPSI 700 Series of submersible hydrostatic level transducers is specifically designed to meet the rigorous environments encountered in liquid level measurement and control...