Georgia Tech Research Institute and SENSIAC

Atlanta, GA 30332-0870


About Georgia Tech Research Institute and SENSIAC


925 Delney St
Suite 102
Atlanta, GA 30332-0870
United States

More Info on Georgia Tech Research Institute and SENSIAC



Air Force picks Georgia Tech for enabling technologies in infrared sensors for persistent surveillance

Contract is to develop infrared (IR) sensor technology for enhanced electro optical and infrared sensors for airborne search and track applications.
Optima Contract 1 Nov 2023

Georgia Tech eyes VLSI compute-in-memory accelerator for artificial intelligence (AI) image recognition

Georgia Tech will demonstrate area- and power-efficient high-performance multiply accumulate macros with signal-processing circuits and architectures.
Military Cyber 12 Oct 2022
Trusted Computing

Georgia Tech to investigate cutting-edge cyber security software and testing to foil enemy computer hackers

Red teams use tactics that mimic cyber threats to evade network defenders and assess how critical networks fare against a determined cyber attack.
Air Combat 4 Nov 2021

Learning to fight against surface-to-air missiles

The ARTS-V1 system is for U.S. military training ranges to help jet fighter-bomber pilots fight effectively against advanced surface-to-air missiles.
Hypersonic Heat 25 March 2021

Building rugged sensors for the heat of hypersonic flight

A hypersonic missile must withstand temperatures at leading edges like wings and nose that are hotter than a blast furnace designed to melt steel.
Hypersonic Heat 19 Feb 2021

Designing rugged radomes to survive hypersonic flight

Hypersonics require RF radomes or infrared windows to protect sensitive electronics from environmental extremes, while letting through IR and RF signals.

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