NP Aerospace Ltd

Coventry CV6 5AQ


About NP Aerospace Ltd


473 Foleshill Rd
Coventry CV6 5AQ
United Kingdom

More Info on NP Aerospace Ltd

NP Aerospace is a world leading armour manufacturer and vehicle integrator delivering high performance defence and security solutions and engineering services for commercial applications. Our mission is to protect the lives of military and security personnel through best-in-class products and services.

Press Releases

Image Provided by NP Aerospace
NP Aerospace
Equipment manufacturing

NP Aerospace wins £71 million UK MoD wheeled vehicle support contract - CVSSP

NP Aerospace, the global vehicle integrator and armour manufacturer, has today announced the award of a £71 million wheeled vehicle support contract called the Conventional...
Image Provided by NP Aerospace
NP Aerospace
Equipment manufacturing

DMC supports NP Aerospace in delivering additive manufacturing innovation to UK MOD

For publication, Thursday, September 12, 2024 -Digital Manufacturing Centre (DMC), an industry-leading production facility and additive manufacturing (AM) innovation hub, is working...

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