Raytheon Technologies Corp

Waltham, MA 02451


About Raytheon Technologies Corp


870 Winter St
Waltham, MA 02451
United States

More Info on Raytheon Technologies Corp

Raytheon Technologies Corporation is an aerospace and defense company that provides advanced systems and services for commercial, military and government customers worldwide.


RTX Raytheon will upgrade the AMRAAM missile to mitigate effects of component obsolescence and keep the weapon in operation for as long as possible before it is replaced by the future AIM-260 Joint Advanced Tactical Missile (JATM)

Air Force asks Raytheon to upgrade AMRAAM air-to-air missile to mitigate effects of component obsolescence

The AIM-120C-8 and AIM-120D-3 are international variants of AMRAAM that have 15 upgraded circuit cards in their missile guidance sections.
ID 34818296 © Dashark | Dreamstime.com
HAPPI focuses on high-density 3D chip optical links and the ability to provide several routing planes within a photonic integrated circuit or photonic interposer.

Raytheon joins SRI in project to develop 3D interconnects for chip-to-chip throughput in optical computing

DARPA is asking RTX Raytheon and SRI to create optical interfaces that resist misalignments due to fabrication and assembly variability.
U.S. Army paratroopers fire a TOW 2B missile during a live-fire exercise at the Joint Multinational Training Command in Grafenwoehr, Germany.

Army asks RTX Raytheon for TOW 2B optically guided anti-tank missiles with wireless radio control capability

The TOW operator aims by maintaining the sight cross hairs on the target. The launcher automatically steers the missile along the line-of-sight.
The SM-3 Block IB interceptor has an enhanced two-color infrared seeker and upgraded steering and propulsion to direct the missile toward incoming targets

RTX Raytheon to provide certified parts for SM-3 missile-defense interceptor with infrared seeker

Standard Missile-3 is a Navy hit-to-kill ballistic missile defense interceptor designed to destroy short- to intermediate-range ballistic missiles.
A Tomahawk missile launches from the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Barry

Raytheon to prepare upgrading ship-launched Tomahawk Block IV cruise missiles to add 15 years of life cycle

Tomahawk Block IV cruise missiles are for land-attack, have 900-mile ranges, and in recent years have been upgraded to attack moving ships at sea.
A Standard Missile (SM) 2 fires from the U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Winston S. Churchill (DDG 81) in the Atlantic Ocean.

RTX Raytheon to build air-defense missile with radar seeker for surface warships in $333.3 million deal

RTX Raytheon to build air-defense missile with radar seeker for surface warships in $333.3 million deal
ID 345453452 © Michaelfitzsimmons | Dreamstime.com
The GBU-53/B has millimeter wave active radar homing, semi-active laser guidance, infrared homing with an uncooled imaging infrared camera, GPS-coupled inertial guidance, and radio data-links back to the aircraft.

Air Force asks RTX Raytheon for StormBreaker smart munitions with multimode seeker and imaging infrared

The 208-pound StormBreaker is six to seven inches in diameter; eight of these smart weapons can fit in the F-35’s confined internal weapon bays.
The guided-missile destroyer USS Chafee (DDG 90) launches a Block V Tomahawk, the weapon’s newest variant, during a missile exercise.

Navy asks RTX Raytheon for land-attack missiles with terrain-matching guidance in $401.2 million deal

Tomahawk is a long-range, all-weather, jet-powered, surface-attack subsonic cruise missile for ship- and submarine-based land-attack operations.
ID 323887533 © Pavel Shlykov | Dreamstime.com
Military operator transmitting GPS coordinates of hostile ships to national guard, providing real time data from surveillance CCTV system.

RTX Raytheon continues upgrade of GPS satellite navigation ground control segment in $196.7 million order

Together with next-generation satellites, GPS OCX will provide improved accuracy of the current GPS and will fly more than twice as many satellites.
The RTX Raytheon Next-Generation Jammer Mid-Band airborne electronic warfare system operates at advanced ranges and can jam separate targets simultaneously.

Navy asks RTX Raytheon for 13 airborne electronic warfare (EW) jammers for U.S. and Australian combat jets

The NGJ midband is an advanced electronic attack system that denies, disrupts, and degrades enemy communications and air-defense radar systems.

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The ESSM Block 2 radar-guided missile is for shipboard air defense

Navy asks RTX Raytheon for ESSM Block 2 radar-guided shipboard air-defense missile booster sections

ESSM shipboard air-defense munition is a medium-range, semi-active homing missile that makes flight corrections via radar and midcourse data uplinks.
A rolling airframe missile (RAM) launcher fires a RIM-116 missile from the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) during combat systems ship qualification trials.

Navy asks RTX Raytheon for shipboard air-defense missiles with dual-mode guidance in $118.5 million order

A supersonic, lightweight, quick-reaction, fire-and-forget weapon, the RAM missile attacks enemy helicopters, aircraft, and surface craft.
A Navy fire controlman installs a pump in the Dual Band Radar cooling system during routine maintenance aboard the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78).

Navy asks RTX Raytheon to continue support for discontinued Dual-Band Radar as successor EASR comes online

The Navy's DBR dual-band radar combines S-band and X-band radars for a range of environments, and offers an open-architecture software design.

Air Force asks Raytheon to build StormBreaker air-to-ground smart munitions with multimode seeker guidance

The StormBreaker air-to-ground smart weapon autonomously detects and classifies moving targets in darkness, rain, fog, smoke, or dust.

RTX Raytheon to upgrade forward-looking infrared (FLIR) targeting sensors aboard armored combat vehicles

Raytheon will carry out low-rate initial production (LRIP) of FLIR B-Kits for the Army's third-generation forward looking infrared program.

RTX Raytheon to upgrade range of electronic warfare (EW) airborne jammer for Navy carrier-based combat jets

The NGJ midband is an advanced electronic attack system that denies, disrupts, and degrades enemy communications and air-defense radar systems.

Navy taps RTX Raytheon for ESSM Block 2 radar-guided air-defense shipboard missiles in $525.5 million deal

The ESSM missile Block 2 has increased maneuverability to defeat future threats to U.S. and allied navies operating in hostile environments.
An AIM-9x infrared-guided air-to-air missile is loaded onto a U.S. military combat aircraft.

Navy asks RTX Raytheon for infrared-guided air-to-air missiles compatible with helmet-mounted displays

AIM-9X Block II has lock-on after launch capability for the F-35 Lightning II joint strike fighter and the F-22 Raptor advanced tactical fighter.

Army asks RTX Raytheon to build counter-UAV missile system to track and defeat enemy swarming threats

The small and expendable Coyote can shoot down small-to-large enemy UAVs at long ranges and high altitudes, and can defeat swarms of attacking UAVs.

Army taps RTX Raytheon for TOW 2B radio-controlled anti-tank missile to counter armor and fortifications

When the optically guided missile fires, the RF transmitter in the launcher relays information to the missile while in flight.

Air Force orders several hundred AMRAAM radar-guided air-to-air missiles for U.S. and allied air forces

This order adds additional production of the AMRAAM missiles, AMRAAM telemetry system, initial and field spares, and other production hardware.
ID 141906315 © wacomka | Dreamstime.com

RTX Raytheon to develop ultrawide-bandgap semiconductors for quantum electronics and ultraviolet lasers

UWBGS program will develop and optimize ultra-wide bandgap materials and fabrication processes for the next revolution in semiconductor electronics.

Army asks RTX Raytheon to provide tactical networking for artillery fire command and control in Latvia

IFATDS is the U.S. military export version of the Army's Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS) for artillery fire command and control.
ID 106340013 © Iuliia Kvasha | Dreamstime.com

RTX Raytheon eyes ways of using commercial satellites for military space internet information distribution

DEUCSI seeks to find new ways of distributing information among land, sea, and air forces quickly to support military high-speed decision-making.

Air Force asks Raytheon to ramp-up production of radar- and infrared-guided StormBreaker smart munitions

StormBreaker air-to-ground smart weapon with multimode seeker autonomously detects and attacks moving targets in darkness, rain, fog, smoke, or dust.

DARPA taps RTX Raytheon BBN for quantum optical sensors for SWaP-constrained applications like imaging

Goal is develop small size, weight, and power consumption (SWaP) sensors with sensitivity below the quantum shot noise limit by using squeezed light.

Raytheon begins early small-quantity production of LTAMDS gallium nitride (GaN) missile-defense radar system

LTAMDS GhostEye is the next generation, 360-degree missile-defense radar that ultimately will replace the Army's current Patriot missile radars.

RTX Raytheon to build ship- and land-based missile-defense smart munitions with electro-optical guidance

The massive collision of the kill vehicle hitting its target obliterates the incoming ballistic missile and its warheads; explosives are not necessary.

Air Force approaches industry for radar cross section (RCS) test and measurement for future nuclear weapons

Experts need a test radar able to identify defects, verify repairs, and assess the LRSO system for maintenance, repair, and production acceptance.

Navy asks Raytheon to upgrade computers and networking shipboard electronics aboard Zumwalt-class destroyers

The three Zumwalt-class destroyers are multi-mission stealth ships with onboard computers and computer networking that focus on land attack.

Raytheon to provide airborne surveillance radar imaging capability for Navy P-8A Poseidon patrol aircraft

The Raytheon AN/APY-10 maritime, littoral, and overland airborne surveillance radar is a relatively new design for the P-8A.

Special Operations forces ask RTX Raytheon to upgrade Silent Knight covert radar for nighttime commando ops

The above-K-band multi-aircraft terrain-following radar enables Special Forces aircraft to infiltrate dangerous areas undetected and at night.

Navy taps RTX Raytheon for critical radar hardware for missile defense aboard Burke-class surface warships

The Raytheon AN/SPY-6(V) AMDR will improve the Burke-class destroyer's ability to detect hostile aircraft, surface ships, and ballistic missiles.

RTX Raytheon asked to provide tactical networking and fire control to keep U.S. Army artillery on target

AFATDS ranks targets in importance based on sensor data, and performs attack analysis using situational data combined with commander's guidance.

Marines ask Raytheon to continue building early models of NMESIS land-based anti-ship missile system

NSM has an infrared seeker, onboard target database, and navigates by Global Positioning System (GPS), inertial sensors, and terrain-referencing.

Marine Corps asks Raytheon to start building anti-ship missile with unmanned launcher for attack beaches

NMESIS integrates a Naval Strike Missile (NSM) launcher unit, capable of launching two NSMs, onto a ROGUE-Fires carrier for shore defense.

Navy asks Raytheon to upgrade and recertify Tomahawk Block IV land-attack cruise missile and guidance system

The Tomahawk Block IV is for land-attack missions, and has been upgraded to attack moving ships; it launches from surface warships and submarines.

Navy taps Raytheon for carrier landing system for Japan that uses differential GPS for aircraft navigation

JPALS is an all-weather GPS-based landing system that provides landing guidance for fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters aboard aircraft carriers.

Navy asks Raytheon for electro-optical multispectral sensors for MQ-9, MQ-8, and other unmanned aircraft

The AN/DAS-4 MTS enables mission commanders to use high-definition data from an airborne tactical sensor to identify and engage targets.

Navy asks Raytheon for technology upgrades to Aegis combat systems aboard Navy and allied destroyers

Aegis combat system uses powerful computers and radar to track and guide weapons at enemy targets; more than 100 Aegis-equipped ships are deployed.

Raytheon to provide air-to-ground missile with imaging infrared seeker and autonomous guidance for Taiwan

JSOW can be launched from F/A-18, F-16, F-15, F-35, and Jas Gripen jet fighter-bombers; as well as from B-1B, B-2A, and B-52H long-range jet bombers.

Collins Aerospace to continue development of future VLF communications with submerged missile submarines

Collins will perform critical design analysis and studies for an updated VLF system for the future E-6B TACAMO Recapitalization Program (E-XX).

Raytheon to build 53 AGM-154 Block 3 C glide bombs with imaging infrared guidance for attacking hard targets

The AGM-154 JSOW is medium range precision-guided weapon for attacking defended targets from outside the range of standard anti-aircraft defenses.

Marine Corps asks Raytheon to start building NMESIS anti-ship missiles for shore defense on invasion beaches

NMESIS will provide the Marine Corps High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) battalions with anti-ship missiles to help defense invasion beaches.

Raytheon to support air-defense radar system to counter unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and helicopters

The Sentinel radar system also interfaces with the Counter-Rocket, Artillery, Mortar (C-RAM) Increment I system to protect friendly aircraft.

Raytheon to build StormBreaker missiles with tri-mode seekers, millimeter-wave radar, and infrared homing

The winged StormBreaker's radar and infrared guidance can guide the missile to moving targets in darkness, rain, fog, smoke or dust.

Navy researchers ask Raytheon to develop and demonstrate two prototype advanced photonic radar systems

The BEYOND photonic radar project will demonstrate signals intelligence (SIGINT) and high-quality passive geolocation far beyond current capabilities.

Special Forces ask Raytheon for covert terrain-following radar for commandos to infiltrate enemy territory

Special Operations aircraft can at low altitudes covertly at night to insert and remove commando forces for operations behind enemy lines.
Trusted Computing

Southwest Research takes-on cyber security project to develop trusted computing for tactical operations

Southwest Research to work with military to develop cyber tactics, techniques, and procedures through exercises and proof-of-concept demonstrations.

Navy asks Raytheon to provide critical components for radar-guided anti-air missiles for ship self defense

The ship self defense missile has a dual-mode X-band radar seeker than can engage enemy planes and missiles at ranges beyond 25 miles.

Raytheon, Northrop Grumman move forward on Glide Phase Intercept (GPI) hypersonic missile defense project

GPI is for regional hypersonic missile defense by launching modified missiles from U.S. Navy surface warships against incoming hypersonic missiles.
Aim 9 X 25 Oct 2023

Navy asks Raytheon to prepare ramping-up production of AIM-9X air-to-air infrared-guided aircraft missile

AIM-9X is an infrared-guided heat-seeking missile for most jet fighters, fighter-bombers, and other offensive combat aircraft in the U.S. arsenal.
Bradley 14 Sept 2023

Army eyes positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) vetronics that resist electronic warfare (EW) jamming

The Collins MAPS Gen II system is designed to boost protection against GPS jamming by using Military Code (M-Code) and modernized signal tracking.
Tow Missile 13 Sept 2023

Raytheon to build Army TOW 2B optically guided anti-tank missile systems with RF and microwave data links

The multimission bunker-buster missiles are a primary precision anti-armor, anti-fortification, and anti-amphibious-landing weapons.
Maritime Tomahawk 7 Sept 2023

Navy asks Raytheon for multi-sensor anti-ship guidance to enable Tomahawk missiles to hit targets at sea

The Raytheon Maritime Strike Tomahawk has improvements to navigation and multi-sensor in-flight targeting that give it anti-ship missile capability.
Wireless Transmission 22 Aug 2023

Power from the sky: unmanned optical relays may provide on-demand electricity for the battlefield

Might such an on-demand power network use only UAV relays, or eventually involve orbiting satellites? The short answer is, it's far too early to tell.
Artist’s concept of PREFIRE CubeSats in space. Image courtesy NASA JPL.
Commercial Aerospace

NASA selects Rocket Lab USA to launch PREFIRE polar observation mission

Blue Canyon Technologies in Layfayette, Colorado, is building the CubeSats.
Wireless Power 15 Aug 2023

Raytheon chosen to develop scalable laser-based military wireless on-demand power-distribution network

POWER optical technologies are to create an airborne relay capable of redirection, wavefront correction, and energy harvesting of optical beams.
Javelin 4 Aug 2023

Army orders infantry fire-and-forget anti-tank missiles with electro-optical guidance in $13.5 million deal

Javelin uses imaging infrared guidance to steer the missile's tandem warhead to its target; the weapon specializes in defeating reactive armor.
P 8 A 27 July 2023

Navy asks Raytheon to build surveillance radar for P-8A Poseidon maritime and ASW reconnaissance aircraft

The Raytheon AN/APY-10 radar has reduced size, additional target track capabilities, color weather avoidance mode, and room for technology growth.
Stryker 14 July 2023

Army picks Collins to provide PNT in vetronics to protect armored combat vehicles from modern GPS threats

The latest version of the Collins Aerospace MAPS, the MAPS Gen II system, keeps up with the pace of current and future enemy threats and technologies.
Amraam 13 July 2023

RTX Raytheon to build radar-guided anti-air missiles with upgraded guidance section in $1.15 billion deal

Raytheon AMRAAM production has involved missiles that integrate the form, fit, function refresh of the AMRAAM guidance section.
Collins Aerospace image

RTX selected for crossover task order under NASA xEVAS contract

The follow-on task order allows Collins to add on to the company's new spacesuit design, developing elements that are compatible for use on the lunar surface as part of NASA's...
Deucsi 10 July 2023

Three defense companies move ahead on path-agnostic space internet that capitalizes on commercial satellites

DEUCSI project seeks to move and share data seamlessly among fixed and mobile locations using high-bandwidth beyond-line-of-sight communications.
Mine Neutralization 19 June 2023

Raytheon to build unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) with explosive warhead to destroy or disable ocean mines

The Barracuda UUV is a semi-autonomous, expendable mine neutralizer system that measures about three feet long and five inches in diameter.
Collins Connected Galley Inserts
Commercial Aerospace

Collins Aerospace introduces new connected galley inserts for commercial aircraft

Once connected, the galley inserts automatically transmit data in real-time from the aircraft to maintenance operations, differentiating between specific unit component issues...
Commercial Aerospace

LATAM selects Pratt & Whitney GTF engines to power Airbus A320neo family aircraft

LATAM currently operates more than 80 V2500-powered Airbus A320ceo and 16 GTF-powered Airbus A320neo family aircraft.
Collins Aerospace
Commercial Aerospace

Raytheon Technologies introduces internet solution for all 'bizjet' cabin sizes

The Collins Aerospace IRT NX Satellite Communication (SATCOM) system for Iridium Certus 700 can be installed and operated globally on a variety of aircraft platforms.
Commercial Aerospace

JetBlue selects Collins Aerospace's data retrieval solution InteliSight and GlobalConnect

JetBlue announced it had selected Collins' InteliSight aircraft interface device will be installed on more than 200 of JetBlue's Airbus A320s.
Amdr 28 April 2023

Raytheon to provide hardware for AN/SPY-6(V) radar aboard late-model Burke-class destroyer surface warships

The Raytheon AN/SPY-6(V) AMDR will improve the Burke-class destroyer's ability to detect hostile aircraft, surface ships, and ballistic missiles.
Raytheon Technologies
Clean Incus Example Highres

NASA selects Blue Canyon Technologies to provide microsatellites for INCUS mission

New microsats will help provide insight into thunderstorms' impacts on weather and climate models.
Naval Strike Missile 12 April 2023

Raytheon to build shipboard multi-sensor over-the-horizon missiles with infrared and inertial guidance

Raytheon is working with Kongsberg on the missile to equip the littoral combat ship and FFG(X) future frigate with stand-off weapons capability.
Cwis 10 April 2023

Navy picks Raytheon to upgrade, sustain, and overhaul Gatling gun missile-defense for surface warships

CIWS provides radar-guided shipboard air defense against low- and high-flying high-speed anti-ship missiles that have penetrated all other defenses.
Ngj Mb 3 March 2023

Raytheon to build 15 airborne electronic warfare (EW) jammer pods to help EA-18G jet disrupt enemy radar

The NGJ midband is an advanced electronic attack system that denies, disrupts, and degrades enemy communications and air-defense radar systems.
Destroyer Lucas 31 March 2023

Raytheon to provide RF and microwave hardware for Navy's AN/SPY-6(V) radar sensors on Burke-class destroyers

The Raytheon AN/SPY-6(V) AMDR will improve the Burke-class destroyer's ability to detect hostile aircraft, surface ships, and ballistic missiles.
Photo 196333795 © Phuchit | Dreamstime.com
Commercial Aerospace

Collins Aerospace seeks collaborations with small and medium 'deep tech' businesses

The deep tech sector typically refers to start-ups with their eyes on big breakthroughs.
Photo 206396543 © Scharfsinn86 | Dreamstime.com
Commercial Aerospace

Collins Aerospace selected to lead consortium related to storing liquid hydrogen for aviation

Liquid hydrogen contains approximately three times as much energy per kg as traditional jet fuel, it has a lower specific density meaning that it requires nearly four times as...
Commercial Aerospace

Lilium picks Collins Aerospace for flight control

Collins Aerospace will design, develop, and build new flight controls for Lilium’s type-conforming aircraft.
Airport Check Area Sign Pointing To 62650955
Commercial Aerospace

Collins Aerospace and Materna IPS team on passenger processing tech

Agreement to bring increased efficiencies to airports, airline industry globally.
Essm 30 Nov 2022

Navy asks Raytheon to build ESSM radar-guided missiles for ship defense against incoming planes and weapons

ESSM is a medium-range, semi-active homing missile that makes flight corrections via radar and midcourse data uplinks to provide ship self-defense.
Pratt & Whitney
Component-level combustor research, design, and testing enables more sustainable small-core turbofan engines.
Commercial Aerospace

Pratt & Whitney and NASA collaboration drives 'green' engine development

Pratt & Whitney, a Raytheon Technologies company, was tapped to participate in the Hybrid Thermally Efficient Core (HyTEC) portion of the Sustainable Flight National Partnership...
Aim 9 X 16 Nov 2022

Raytheon to upgrade guidance hardware and software, boost cyber security, on AIM-9X air-to-air missiles

The AIM-9X is an infrared- and heat-seeking air-to-air missile for the U.S. Navy, Air Force, and foreign allies that homes-in on hot aircraft exhaust.
Combined Vision System Comparison Cvs
Commercial Aerospace

Collins Aerospace announces its combined vision system for bizjets achieves TSO

The CVS provides clarity to pilots in all types of weather to confidently and securely navigate aircraft through low visibility situations.
Ltamds 31 Oct 2022

Raytheon to upgrade LTAMDS missile-defense radar to handle advanced threats like hypersonic munitions

LTAMDS is the next generation, 360-degree missile-defense radar that ultimately will replace the current U.S. Army's Patriot missile radars.
Javelin Missile 4 Oct 2022

Army makes big order of Raytheon-Lockheed Martin Javelin electro-optical imaging infrared anti-tank missiles

Javelin has an imaging infrared seeker to guide the warhead to its target, and a tandem warhead with two shaped charges for use against reactive armor.
Hornet Radar 27 Sept 2022

Raytheon to provide F/A-18 combat jets with open-systems architecture AN/APG-79 AESA radar assemblies

The AN/APG-79 AESA radar provides F/A-18 aircrew situational awareness, near-instantaneous track updates, and multi-target tracking capability.
Raytheon Technologies
Raytheon Pic
Commercial Aerospace

FAA selects Raytheon Intelligence & Space for WAAS modernization

Raytheon to upgrade FAA Wide-Area Augmentation System (WAAS) space-based navigation system to enhance air travel safety in the National Airspace System.
U 2 Dragon Lady 13 Sept 2022 (2)

Air Force asks Raytheon to build long-range ASARS-2 imaging radar for U-2 Dragon Lady reconnaissance jet

This imaging radar is a is a multimode real-time, high-resolution reconnaissance system carried on the U-2 Dragon Lady high-altitude reconnaissance jet.
Darpa Fence 12 Sept 2022

Northrop Grumman, Raytheon move forward in developing electro-optical sensors with built-in machine learning

DARPA FENCE seeks to develop an event-based camera and a new class of digital signal processing and machine learning for intelligent military sensors.
Harm Missile 16 Aug 2022

Navy asks Raytheon to continue providing parts for upgrades to counter-radar missiles in $67.3 million order

HARM is designed to suppress or destroy surface-to-air missile radars, early warning radars, and radar-directed air defense artillery systems.
Military Command And Control 12 Aug 2022

Raytheon moves forward with battle management software job to enable military planning at the theater level

DARPA JAWS focuses on software tools for distributed command and control using teaming and machine-to-machine interfaces to centralize planning.
Ngj Midband 10 Aug 2022

Raytheon to move Next Generation Jammer electronic warfare (EW) enabling technologies toward deployment

The NGJ midband is an advanced electronic attack system that denies, disrupts, and degrades enemy communications and air-defense radar systems.
Collins Aerospace
Collins Aerospace 1 Mw Motor Angle

Collins Aerospace announces completion of preliminary design of hybrid flight demonstrator

A De Havilland Dash 8-100 experimental aircraft will be re-engined on one side with a 2 megawatt system that combines a fuel-burning engine from P&WC with Collins’ 1 megawatt ...
Essm Block 2 27 June 2022

Navy asks Raytheon to build assemblies for RIM-162 ESSM radar-guided anti-aircraft shipboard missiles

ESSM is a medium-range, semi-active homing missile that makes flight corrections via radar and midcourse data uplinks for reliable ship self-defense.
Tomahawk Block V 8 June 2022

Raytheon to provide U.S. military with 154 terrain-matching surface-attack Tomahawk Block V missiles

Tomahawk Block V has a data link that enables the missile to switch targets while in flight, and can loiter for hours and change course on command.
Pwc Hep Image 6287a7353203d
Commercial Aerospace

Pratt & Whitney Canada selects H55 as battery technology collaborator for regional hybrid-electric flight demonstrator program

The participation of H55 follows P&WC's July 2021 announcement of its plans to demonstrate hybrid-electric propulsion technology, through a CAD$163 million investment, supported...
Oth Ws 19 May 2022

Raytheon to build land-attack missile with imaging infrared seeker and fire control for new Navy frigate

Raytheon will build and deliver OTH-WS encanistered missiles loaded into launching mechanisms and a fire-control suite.
Zumwalt Class 27 April 2022

Raytheon to upgrade shipboard computers, networking, and combat systems aboard Zumwalt-class destroyers

The three Zumwalt-class destroyers are stealth ships that focus on land attack, surface warfare, anti-aircraft warfare, and naval gunfire support.
Perigon Intel

Collins Aerospace and Intel bring Atom x6400E series processor to avionics

The processor will support customers’ flight control and vehicle management needs across a range of commercial and defense platforms.

Raytheon continues support for shipboard DBR radar as service switches to the less-expensive EASR radar

Navy's DBR combines S- and X-band radar capabilities, while its open-architecture software enables automatic operation with minimal human intervention.
Ciws 25 March 2022

Raytheon to upgrade MK 15 Close-In Weapon System (CIWS) radar-guided air-defense guns for surface warships

CIWS is a radar-guided terminal shipboard defense against fast low- and high-flying anti-ship missiles that have penetrated all other fleet defenses.
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Commercial Aerospace

Pratt & Whitney announces successful test of GTF Advantage engine run on SAF

Pratt & Whitney used 100 percent Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosine (HEFA-SPK) fuel acquired from World Energy for the test, AviationPros report...
85447 Untitled 856350

Pratt & Whitney to demonstrate rotating engine detonation concept

Joining Pratt on the project will be sister companies under the Raytheon Technologies group, Raytheon Missiles & Defense and Raytheon Technologies Research Center, Greg Waldron...
Hainan Airlines
Commercial Aerospace

Hainan Airlines selects Collins Aerospace for long-term sensor supply agreement

The Raytheon Technologies subsidiary will provide Pitot and Total Air Temperatures sensors for its fleet of 500 aircraft, including the Airbus A320, Airbus A330 and Boeing 737NG...
Landing Gear 4455332 960 720
Commercial Aerospace

Collins Aerospace announces MRO agreements at Singapore Airshow

Under the contracts, Collins will provide engine accessory repair services for China Airlines’ fleet of 25 A321neo aircraft, and engine accessory repair and spares support for...
Laser Strykers 21 Jan 2022

Army readies first Strykers with 50-kilowatt laser weapons

Army expected to reopen the competition because the system is considered critical in future operations against prolific threats like unmanned aircraft.
Ngj Midband 19 Jan 2022

Raytheon to build 5 NGJ-MB electronic warfare (EW) jammers

The NGJ midband is an advanced electronic attack system that denies, disrupts, and degrades enemy communications and air-defense radar systems.