NASA monitors vibroacoustic shock during shuttle launches with MicroStrain sensors

Aug. 18, 2011
WILLISTON, Vt., 18 Aug. 2011. Officials at NASA Kennedy Space Center used MicroStrain Inc.’s wireless sensor technology to remotely monitor lift-off acoustics and vibration generated during the Endeavour and Atlantis space shuttle launches. The noise generated by rocket exhaust can adversely affect the safety of spacecraft, ground facilities, and hazardous equipment. MicroStrain’s sensors acquired data used to corroborate prediction models.
Posted by Courtney E. HowardWILLISTON, Vt., 18 Aug. 2011. Officials at NASA Kennedy Space Center used MicroStrain Inc.’s wireless sensor technology to remotely monitor lift-off acoustics and vibration generated during the Endeavour and Atlantis space shuttle launches. The noise generated by rocket exhaust can adversely affect the safety of spacecraft, ground facilities, and hazardous equipment. MicroStrain’s sensors acquired data used to corroborate prediction models. NASA engineers Rudy Werlink and Ravi Margasahayam employed MicroStrain sensors to quantify the acoustic levels generated by the launch of spacecraft at just over one mile from the launch site. Engineers are using the test data to study the safety and operational readiness, and to predict the impending failure of ground structures, spacecraft, and equipment. In fact, NASA’s Margasahayam describes the deployed sensor network as, “a tool for Safety and Mission Assurance to support issues of safety, reliability, and maintainability of equipment and structures by condition monitoring.” MicroStrain’s wireless solution included multiple G-Link accelerometers, a SG-Link strain node, a wireless sensor data aggregator (WSDA), and the SensorCloud Web-based data management platform.MicroStrain’s wireless systems fit NASA’s unique test parameters, including the ability to operate for 48 hours prior to launch. The system yielded more than three gigabytes (3GB) of data. MicroStrain support engineers assisted NASA engineers in isolating and interpreting launch event data by leveraging the company’s SensorCloud remote data visualization and management tool.

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