FAA certifies Rockwell Collins Pro Line Fusion avionics on Gulfstream G280 flight deck

Sept. 5, 2012
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa, 5 Sept. 2012. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials have certified the Pro Line Fusion integrated avionics system from Rockwell Collins in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for use on the Gulfstream PlaneView280 flight deck.

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa, 5 Sept. 2012. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials have certified the Pro Line Fusion integrated avionics system from Rockwell Collins in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for use on the Gulfstream PlaneView280 flight deck.

Gulfstream management selected the Rockwell Collins Pro Line Fusion configuration for the PlaneView280 flight deck.

The Pro Line Fusion avionics system includes: three high-resolution, 15-inch diagonal LCD displays; Rockwell Collins’ award-winning MultiScan Threat Detection System; graphical flight planning and integrated flight information system (IFIS) with electronic charts, enhanced maps, and graphical weather to reduce pilot workload; technologies to accommodate the latest airspace requirements, including Future Air Navigation System Controller-Pilot Data Link Communication (FANS CPDLC), dual advanced Flight Management Systems with Wide Area Augmentation System Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (WAAS/LPV), Required Navigation Performance (RNP) capabilities, and a Traffic Surveillance System with Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) capabilities.

“The PlaneView280 flight deck with Pro Line Fusion is the most advanced in its class with large-format displays and intuitive graphics for all phases of flight and information management capabilities that help streamline flight operations,” says Greg Irmen, vice president and general manager, Business and Regional Systems for Rockwell Collins. “Additionally, the open systems approach we’ve taken with Pro Line Fusion made it possible to add Gulfstream-specific software applications with ease, staying consistent with the look and feel of Gulfstream PlaneView platforms.”

Addition of an optional Head-up Guidance System (HGS) with enhanced vision capability to the flight deck further improves operational efficiency, especially in low-visibility conditions, says Irmen.

Rockwell Collins’ HGS, an advanced head-up display with a high-integrity computer, provides pilots with essential flight information and guidance for all phases of flight, from safe and efficient takeoffs to stable and smooth touchdowns, says a representative. The HGS also is an option on Gulfstream G350 and G500 aircraft, and comes standard on the G450, G550, and G650.

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