Rapita launches RVS 3.1, discusses tool qualification at Avionics Europe
MUNICH, 20 Feb. 2013. Rapita Systems has launched the latest version of its on-target software verification tool suite for critical real-time embedded avionics systems during Avionics Europe 2013. The launch is accompanied by a presentation from Rapita Systems Senior Software Engineer Zoë Stephenson on DO-178B tool qualification and WCET (worst-case execution time).
RVS (Rapita Verification Suite) 3.1 provides target support for typical avionics processors, tool chains, and real-time operating systems. RVS 3.1 can be qualified for DO-178B (in aerospace).
RVS 3.1 includes:
The Report Comparison facility which gives software developers the opportunity to see “before” and “after” data. Users can assess the impact of any optimization work on a step-by-step basis, rather than at the end of the analysis.
A significantly faster GUI, with early customer previews seeing marked reductions in the time required to load a large report.
A new report navigator function providing quick access to files and function lists.
The addition of a new Send Feedback option in the help menu. Users can compose questions to Rapita’s support team which include annotated screenshots or the report they are looking at, with or without the source code.
The cornerstones of RVS 3.1 are a blend of specially created verification and code coverage tools:
- RapiTime is an automated on-target timing analysis tool which measures performance, determines worst-case execution time (WCET), and guides optimization efforts;
- RapiCover is an on-target code coverage measurement tool which supports system and integration testing processes, involves minimal instrumentation, and provides an adaptable approach to on-target code coverage measurement. RapiCover also supports coverage up to MC/DC.
These tools can reduce the cost of measuring, optimizing and verifying the timing performance and test effectiveness of critical real-time embedded systems in industries such as avionics and automotive electronics.
The new Report Comparison feature allows developers to:
- Display two reports together and assess the effectiveness of their optimization work;
- Compare an old build and a new one to see the impact on worst-case execution time and the code on the WCET path;
- See the high-water paths and differences on two separate reports;
- On a multicore system, assess whether the same code takes the same time to execute on different cores;
- Compare all fields presented on the main report and see "before" and "after" data.
Read Rapita Systems’ blog post on Avionics Europe at http://www.rapitasystems.com/blog/whats-new-in-rvs-3.1.
More information about Rapita Systems at Avionics Europe is available at http://www.rapitasystems.com/event/avionics-europe-2013.
For more news from Avionics Europe, visit http://www.avionics-intelligence.com/avionics-europe.html.
Courtney E. Howard | Chief Editor, Intelligent Aerospace
Courtney enjoys writing about all things high-tech in PennWell’s burgeoning Aerospace and Defense Group, which encompasses Intelligent Aerospace and Military & Aerospace Electronics. She’s also a self-proclaimed social-media maven, mil-aero nerd, and avid avionics and space geek. Connect with Courtney at [email protected], @coho on Twitter, on LinkedIn, and on Google+.