Aerospace technology leaders open SAE 2014 Aerospace Systems and Technology Conference
WARRENDALE, Pa., 13 Aug. 2014. SAE International is holding the SAE 2014 Aerospace Systems and Technology Conference 23-25 Sept. 2014 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Neil R. Garrigan, executive manager, Advanced Technology Systems, Programs and Strategy at GE Aviation, is delivering the keynote speech to open the conference.
Immediately following Garrigan's keynote presentation, the Opening Plenary Session on 23 Sept. 2014 focuses on “Propulsion, Power and Avionics – Performance through Integration.”
Courtney E. Howard, an experienced editor writing for Intelligent Aerospace and Military & Aerospace Electronics, is moderating the Opening Plenary Session of the SAE 2014 Aerospace Systems and Technology Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio, next month.
Panelists include: Dr. Siva S. Banda, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base; Christopher E. Singer, NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center; Todd Zarfos, Boeing Company; Russ Walker, and L3 Cincinnati Electronics.
For more information, visit or download a PDF with the agenda at
Courtney E. Howard | Chief Editor, Intelligent Aerospace
Courtney enjoys writing about all things high-tech in PennWell’s burgeoning Aerospace and Defense Group, which encompasses Intelligent Aerospace and Military & Aerospace Electronics. She’s also a self-proclaimed social-media maven, mil-aero nerd, and avid avionics and space geek. Connect with Courtney at [email protected], @coho on Twitter, on LinkedIn, and on Google+.