FAA certifies L-3 Lynx ADS-B avionics, Aspen Avionics displays for general aviation aircraft
NBAA - LAS VEGAS, 18 Nov. 2015. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials have certified L-3 Aviation Products’ (L-3 AP’s) Lynx NGT-9000 and NGT-2500 models of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) products to interface with the Aspen Evolution line of Multi-Function Displays (MFDs) and Primary Flight Displays (PFDs) for general aviation (GA) aircraft.
The interface will allow ADS-B weather and traffic data from the NGT-9000’s or NGT-2500’s ADS-B receiver to be viewed on the Aspen displays. Additionally, Lynx NextGen Active Traffic from the NGT-9000+ model will display active Traffic Awareness System (TAS) traffic onto the Aspen products.
“Lynx and Aspen represent a cost-effective and powerful combination in ADS-B capability that we are very pleased to provide in support of the upcoming NextGen mandate,” says Larry Riddle, L-3 Aviation Products vice president of marketing and sales for General Aviation (GA). “Pilots will now be able to easily replace existing transponders on Aspen-equipped aircraft with an L-3 Lynx NGT-9000 and enhance situational awareness.”
L-3’s Lynx NGT-9000 and 2500 models port data to Aspen Evolution displays using the popular RS-232 interface. Traffic and weather data can be overlaid on Aspen’s Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) and moving map windows. Traffic can also be viewed on Aspen’s PFDs and MFDs.
The Lynx NGT-9000 shows traffic and weather on its own touchscreen display. Pilots can choose to view certain data on the Lynx display and other data on the Aspen display. This multi-display configuration allows pilots to view more information simultaneously and configure the data to their flying needs.
“What we’re seeing is that customers are shifting their focus from the question of what is ADS-B to researching their options on how to get the most benefit from the mandate,” explains Mark Ferrari, vice president of sales and customer support for Aspen.
The Lynx NGT-9000 is a touchscreen Mode S Extended Squitter (ES) transponder that is also a display for ADS-B In data, including traffic, NEXRAD graphical and textual weather, as well as moving maps. Up-to-the-minute Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs), Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs), and Winds and Temps Aloft data are also included. The Lynx NGT-9000 is a dual-mode 1090ES ADS-B Out plus 1090 and 978 ADS-B In device that is designed for 14- or 28-volt installations. L-3 NextGen Active Traffic is an available option that is integrated directly in the Lynx NGT-9000, eliminating the need for a remote box.
Internal active traffic and/or ADS-B antenna diversity are available options for the NGT-9000. A Wi-Fi interface module provides connectivity to iPad and Android devices with applications such as Wing Pro and SkyRadar. All Lynx MSS models incorporate an embedded position source (WAAS-GPS) requiring no external GPS connections.
A free app is available that simulates the Lynx touchscreen on iPad and Android tablets.
Based in Albuquerque, N.M., Aspen Avionics specializes in bringing the most advanced display and sensor technology from the commercial and business aviation markets into General Aviation cockpits—and budgets. Together, its Evolution Flight Display System and NexNav GPS sensors help enable the aviation community to affordably meet the FAA’s NextGen mandate.
L-3 Aviation Products (L-3 AP) is a provider of commercial and military avionics. L-3 AP manufactures a diverse line of safety- and efficiency-enhancing products that sets the standard for next-generation requirements, including ADS-B technologies, standby systems, transponders, voice and data recorders, collision avoidance systems, navigation products, display systems, and processors.
Headquartered in New York City, L-3 employs approximately 45,000 people worldwide and is a prime contractor in aerospace systems and national security solutions. L-3 is also a provider of a broad range of communication and electronic systems and products used on military and commercial platforms.
Courtney E. Howard | Chief Editor, Intelligent Aerospace
Courtney enjoys writing about all things high-tech in PennWell’s burgeoning Aerospace and Defense Group, which encompasses Intelligent Aerospace and Military & Aerospace Electronics. She’s also a self-proclaimed social-media maven, mil-aero nerd, and avid avionics and space geek. Connect with Courtney at [email protected], @coho on Twitter, on LinkedIn, and on Google+.