Sikorsky applies advanced analytics to predict, resolve issues and enhance safety
STRATFORD, Conn. Officials striving to make Sikorsky, worldwide helicopter division of Lockheed Martin in Stratford, Connecticut, the safest helicopter original equipment manufacturer (OEM) are using advanced analytics to better predict and resolve potential issues before they cause flight groundings or safety issues.
Sikorsky officials are uncovering patterns in aircraft performance and parts that can help improve flight safety, optimize aircraft operations, and significantly reduce costs. Rapid, data-driven decision support has helped Sikorsky further enhance safety, reduce risk, and reduce costs.
“Safety was the driver, and now we're seeing that result in advantages across the board. Cost reductions, availability increases, readiness increases, having the right parts in the right place, so we're really flowing that out across all of our product line,” says Matt Tarascio, director of intelligent technologies, analytics, and sustainment at Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin Company.
Using a scalable data management and analytics platform built on Cloudera Enterprise, Sikorsky can process and store data in a reliable way, and analyze full data sets across entire fleets. The use of Cloudera Enterprise enables staff to focus on aviation challenges instead of worrying about monitoring the cluster or upgrades.
“What excites me about working at Sikorsky is solving these really, really hard problems. These helicopters that people are flying to do really important things. They're search and rescue in the ocean, they're saving people's lives, medevac (medical evacuation), these types of things. Being able to support people doing those things, using data is amazing,” says Mike Koelemay, supervisor, data science, advanced analytics, Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin Company.
Apache Hadoop Platform: Cloudera Enterprise, Data Hub Edition
Apache Hadoop Components: Apache HBase, Apache Hive, Apache Pig, Hue
Data Analysis Tool: Python
Predictive maintenance
Aircraft safety
Product design
Enhanced safety
Reduced risk
Decreased costs
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