Travel concierge service Fareportal gives consumers more flight data through Routehappy integration
NEW YORK -- Consumer travel brand Fareportal is giving users a new way to view airline information through the integration of ATPCO Routehappy data into its and websites.
Routehappy provides what it calls "universal product attributes", or "UPAs", into seat selection maps, giving consumers photographs, videos and 360-degree cabin tours of a given aircraft. The service also provides more detailed information like in-seat entertainment options and service reviews.
"The hyper targeting capabilities of Routehappy Hub, the content management solution which powers UPAs, enables Fareportal to target the seat images across different sub-fleets, cabins and seats so that consumers see only accurate and relevant UPAs for the specific flight they are shopping," the company said. "Once a consumer has selected a flight, they will be shown a seat map that incorporates this targeted, dynamic seat content for 19 carriers."
Routehappy features will become visible to consumers on Fareportal's websites who are shopping for flights for two or more passengers.
"Fareportal is always looking for ways to incorporate next-generation features into the flight shopping experience," said Sam Jain, Fareportal founder and CEO. "As the first consumer booking channel to integrate UPAs into our seat map, we are providing our customers with more choice, greater transparency and added value. Fareportal will continue to push new integrations that make our customers' flight shopping experience easier."