FAA poised to require external markings on UAVs

Feb. 13, 2019
WASHINGTON - The Federal Aviation Administration released a preview document on the Federal Register saying that starting February 23, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) must have external markings over fears of concealed explosives per an interim rule change. 

WASHINGTON - The Federal Aviation Administration released a preview document on the Federal Register saying that starting February 23, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) must have external markings over fears of concealed explosives per an interim rule change.

Currently, the FAA allows registered UAVs to put the numbers identifing the owner of the vehicle inside the drone, such as in the battery compartment.

"The FAA is taking this action to address concerns expressed by the law enforcement community and the FAA’s interagency security partners regarding the risk a concealed explosive device poses to first responders who must open a compartment to find the small unmanned aircraft’s registration number," the agency wrote its executive summary of the rule. "Requiring small unmanned aircraft owners to place the registration number on an external surface of the aircraft helps to mitigate this risk because a first responder can view the number without handling the aircraft, or by using other technologies that allow for remote viewing of the aircraft’s external surface."

The FAA notes that "this interim final rule does not change the original acceptable methods of external marking, nor does it specify a particular external surface on which the registration number must be placed. The requirement is that it can be seen upon visual inspection of the aircraft’s exterior."

The FAA is seeking public comment on the interim rule change before it is finalized. The 30-day comment period will end on March 15, 2019. To submit comments, go to http://www.regulations.gov and search for “RIN 2120-AL32.”

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Jamie Whitney

Jamie Whitney joined the staff of Military & Aerospace Electronics and Intelligent Aerospace. He brings seven years of print newspaper experience to the aerospace and defense electronics industry.

Whitney oversees editorial content for the Intelligent Aerospace Website, as well as produce news and features for Military & Aerospace Electronics, attend industry events, produce Webcasts, oversee print production of Military & Aerospace Electronics, and expand the Intelligent Aerospace and Military & Aerospace Electronics franchises with new and innovative content.

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