WASHINGTON - U.S. space systems are the backbone of the U.S. economy and national security. Chinese counter-space weapon developments promise to make the satellite protection mission ever more challenging. There are significant challenges to deterring China from aggressive behavior in space, and for this reason U.S. policy makers and defense strategists must start planning now for a possible future military confrontation involving China that also may involve military space operations, writes Steve Lambakis for RealClearDefense.com. Continue reading original article
The Intelligent Aerospace take:
July 10, 2019- Lambakis argues that "China believes America's dependence on space is its Achilles Heel." In thinking about deterring Chinese action against U.S. space assets, Lambakis sets up a hypothetical scenario in which America intervenes in North Korea in 2021. Lambakis, who is the Director of Space Studies at the National Institute for Public Policy, opines that by being clear in how it would respond to physical and non-kinetic acts like electronic warfare, the United States could run a successful campaign to deter Chinese action in space.
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Jamie Whitney, Associate Editor
Intelligent Aerospace