AUSTIN, Texas - Helicopters have many advantages, but one of their more obvious drawbacks is the loud wop wop noise they make in flight. This is caused by what is known as blade-vortex interaction, where the rotor blade keeps running into the wake vortex formed by the leading blade, David Szondy writes for New Atlas. Continue reading original article.
The Intelligent Aerospace take:
December 1, 2020 -Helicopters have been invaluable to the U.S. military for decades to get warfighters in and out of combat. With vertical lift, helicopters can get to places transport planes simply can't. However, they aren't terribly quiet.
The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command and the Army Research Laboratory are collaborating with the University of Texas and Uber to study the noise produced by "flying taxis." There are now more than 200 designs in Urban Air Mobility, a.k.a. flying taxis, with most integrating multiple rotors driven by electric motors. The military hopes to learn how to make its helicopters less conspicuous going to or leaving the battlefield.
Related: Zuccaro: Helicopter operators, technicians, noise studies needed
Related: Urban Air Mobility already has 200 eVTOL designs
Related: Flying taxis to usher in networks of skyports, cost savings over traditional infrastructure
Jamie Whitney, Associate Editor
Intelligent Aerospace