NASA taps Yank Technologies for power systems on Moon, Mars

Aug. 8, 2024
Yank Technologies plans to develop two systems for the lunar surface: Wireless Power Receiver Converters for lunar rovers and Resonant Inductive Connectors for high-voltage power transmission on the Moon and Mars.

NEW YORK - Yank Technologies, a Brooklyn, N.Y.-based developer of long-range, high-power wireless charging solutions, has been awarded two additional  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contracts to develop wireless charging solutions for lunar applications. NASA SBIR contracts allow small business innovators to be a part of the growing aerospace ecosystem.

Yank Technologies specializes in eliminating cables to enhance durability, operational efficiency, and product innovation. Their industrial applications improve factory robotics by charging autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) on the move and wirelessly powering quality control tests. In the automotive sector, Yank Technologies creates wireless power systems that reduce assembly and warranty costs and enable new vehicle interior features such as seamless door removal and cockpit reconfiguration. For consumers, they offer solutions to charge multiple electronics wirelessly on table-tops, in cupholders, and over the air.

In 2025, the US House of Representatives allocated $7.8 billion to NASA's Artemis I Program, aimed at returning humans to the Moon. This funding provides Yank Technologies an opportunity to extend their wireless power solutions to space applications.

Related: NASA announces their selections for small business and research teams for technology development

Yank Technologies plans to develop two systems for the lunar surface: Wireless Power Receiver Converters for lunar rovers and Resonant Inductive Connectors for high voltage power transmission on the Moon and Mars.

The Wireless Power Receiver Converters are designed to improve rover efficiency and reduce mass by integrating multiple converters into a single-stage converter that supports various voltages. These converters also enhance charging reliability by accommodating misalignment and varying distances.

Resonant Inductive Connectors are designed to maintain reliable connections with high-voltage lines despite the presence of lunar regolith or Martian dust. Unlike traditional connectors, which are prone to wear and unreliable connections, these connectors are built to withstand harsh environments.

"With these new NASA contracts, we will further enhance our wireless charging systems for space applications. Wireless power enables the establishment of long-lasting habitats on the Moon and Mars and is critical for greater human exploration for future missions," said Josh Yank, CEO of Yank Technologies.

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