Morgan Electro Ceramics introduces piezoelectric composite components for sonar receivers
Morgan Electro Ceramics (MEC) in Bedford, Ohio, is introducing piezoelec-tric composite components to help increase acoustic performance for military and commercial sonar receiver applications. MEC’s piezoelectric com-posite materials reduce the cross coupling that typically occurs between different modes in the ceramic of conventional transducers, enabling sonar components to respond in a more precise and predictable manner, company officials say. Additionally, components manufactured with piezoelectric composite materials reduce spurious activity to enhance transmit and receive efficiency. Piezocomposite components provide low acoustic impedance and can broaden transducer bandwidth, officials say. MEC offers piezoelectric composites in 1-3 and 2-2 orientations, in sizes to 1.5 square inches, and in frequencies from 100 kHz to 12 MHz. Piezoelectric volume fractions can be tailored for any application to enhance transmit and receive response rates. The piezocomposites can be thermoformed to conform to complex geometric surfaces, providing in-creased design flexibility. MEC offers piezoelectric composites in standard and custom materials, including types I, II, VI, and single crystal PMN-PT. For more information, visit