Endwave Defense Systems, a Sunnyvale, Calif.-based maker of RF subsystems and components for defense and homeland security applications, will provide its 44 GHz frequency multiplier subsystem for uplink applications in the U.S. Military Strategic, Tactical, and Relay (MILSTAR) satellite communications program.
The MILSTAR joint-service satellite communications system provides the U.S. Department of Defense with secure, jam resistant, and nuclear-event resistant communications.
The multisatellite constellation links command authorities with various fixed-site, mobile, and portable terminals, enabling communication between ships, submarines, aircraft, land vehicles, and manned-portable systems. Each MILSTAR satellite performs like a switchboard, enabling interoperable communications among users of Army, Navy, and Air Force MILSTAR terminals.
Endwave’s latest offering is a frequency quadrupler combining buffer, driver, and output power amplifier functionality in a single module. The multiplier module receives an X-band input signal and multiplies the frequency to cover the unclassified K-Band MILSTAR uplink operating bandwidth. For more information, visit www.endwave.com.