The U.S. Army and Air Force embarked on a joint project, called Combat SkySat, which was featured in a network-centric demonstration at the Joint Expeditionary Force Experiment (JEFX) 2006 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.
Combat SkySat uses a new analysis and visualization software tool built on technology from Analytical Graphics Inc. (AGI) of Exton, Pa.
Combat SkySat, a high-altitude hydrogen balloon that acts as an over-the-horizon communications relay for UHF/VHF tactical radios, examines operations at an altitude layer known as Near Space. AGI’s 4DX embedded technology software provides Near Space mission planners and operators with the balloon’s flight and access to radio communications in a 3-D common operating picture.
“During the past several spirals of JEFX ’06, AGI and the Army Space and Missile Defense Battle Lab-West have worked toward developing an operator’s tool to analyze and visualize Near Space operations,” says Paul Graziani, AGI president and chief executive officer. “We’re proud that it will help demonstrate what the experiment has shown: Combat SkySat has the ability to extend line-of-sight communications by a factor of 40.”
JEFX ’06, an Air Force Chief of Staff-directed experiment, is to accelerate research, development, and fielding of new combat systems. For more information, visit