Olympus group to expand MEMS foundry services
Leaders of the Olympus Partnership Development Group in San Jose, Calif., are expanding their micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) Foundry Services and their MEMS chip products. Olympus designs, rapidly prototypes, manufactures, and packages MEMS for optical networking, biotechnology, medical, and industrial applications. Olympus also provides MEMS chips for variable optical attenuators, which are optical MEMS switch chips for small port accounts and optical cross connects. Company experts use bulk micromachined processes to fabricate MEMS devices. For more information contact Olympus by phone at 408-514-3920, by fax at 408-946-3841, by post at 180 Baytech Drive, San Jose, Calif. 95134, or on the World Wide Web at http://www.olympus-ita.com/.
Universal offers new line of military air filters
Officials at Universal Air Filter Co. in Sauget, Ill., are offering a new line of military-standard air filters to protect sensitive electronics operating in harsh military conditions. The Mil-Spec filters from Universal shield electronics from high temperatures, humidity, explosions, fungus, vibration, shock, electromagnetic interference, and other contaminants, company officials say. The filters have Quadrafoam filter media, open-cell polyurethane foam treatment, and come with a thin layer of flame-retardant coating. For more information contact Universal Air Filter Co. by phone at 800-541-3478, by fax at 618-271-8808, by post at 1624 Sauget Industrial Parkway, Sauget, Ill. 62206, or on the World Wide Web at http://www.uaf.com/.
Evans Capacitor unveils new devices for military aircraft
Designers at Evans Capacitor Co. in East Providence, R.I., are offering a high-density Hybrid capacitor for uses in military aircraft. The Hybrid is a compact electrochemical electrolytic capacity that provides more than four times the energy density of tantalum wet slug capacitors, company officials say. The new device is also half the weight and one-tenth the volume of aluminum capacitors, Evans officials say, adding that Hybrids are in use in phased array radar systems, laser power supplies, and multitasking instrument displays in military aircraft. For more information contact Evans by phone at 401-435-3555, by fax at 401-435-3558, by e-mail at [email protected], or on the World Wide Web at http://www.evanscap.com/.
BAE Systems offers new series of infrared camera cores
Officials of BAE Systems IR Imaging Systems (IRIS) business unit in Lexington, Mass., are launching their SCC500 series of infrared (IR) camera cores, which are based on common electronics and mechanical interfaces for 160-by-120-pixel-, and 320-by-240-pixel resolutions. The new architecture of the SCC500 deliberately departs from the digital signal-processing (DSP) trend by combining custom IR-specific video processing hardware with an upgradeable, general-purpose control processor, running a commercial real-time operating system (RTOS), BAE officials say. "This new product series is the first step down a new path to deliver reconfigurable, interchangeable camera cores with variable performance and image resolutions," says Roy Rumbaugh, IRIS SCC500 TM Series program manager. The SCC500 series is designers who are developing systems for homeland security, military, fire-fighting, surveillance, unattended sensors, unmanned vehicles, machine vision, robotics, process monitoring, and thermography applications. For more information contact BAE's Mary Corrigan by phone at 781-863-3023, by fax at 781-863-3525, by e-mail at [email protected], or on the World Wide Web at http://www.iews.na.baesystems.com/.