FREMONT, Calif., 23 Jan. 2007. Mendocino Software is co-exhibiting solutions based on its InfiniView technology with reseller partner Dynamic Systems Inc. at the Defending America/SpaceComm 2007 Symposium at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colo., through January 25.
Defending America/SpaceComm 2007 Symposium serves top government, industry, and military professionals in the fields of communications, electronics, intelligence, information systems, space systems, and C4ISR capabilities for the defense of America. The three-day agenda will focus on Information Dominance through Knowledge Management, offering an opportunity to continue the partnering efforts between industry and government.
Dynamic Systems has incorporated Mendocino's InfiniView into recovery and secondary data management solutions built around Sun Microsystems hardware and software, which it sells to agencies within the government market.
InfiniView solutions provide access-on-demand to one or more copies of production data from any previous point in time with zero impact on business operations. This ability to retroactively generate readable, writable, disk-based "views" of production data enables zero impact data protection operations, rapid and reliable application recovery, and optimized administration and maintenance without impacting production applications.
Views have a variety of uses, including backup and recovery, test and development, data analytics and reporting, audit and other compliance operations, and data staging and migration.
"Most government agencies have mission-critical systems that can't afford to be down for any reason, making rapid application recovery a key requirement for them," says Mardi Norman, CEO of Dynamic Systems. "Because of this widespread need, we offer our customers a variety of tools to manage the availability of their systems, and Mendocino's InfiniView is a valuable addition to this portfolio."
"As storage capacities continue to grow rapidly, government agencies are struggling to minimize the production impacts of data protection operations while at the same time improving application recovery," says Eric Burgener, vice president of marketing at Mendocino Software. "By integrating InfiniView technology into the product line, Dynamic Systems is offering customers the ability to meet the most stringent regulatory and agency mandates concerning recovery, all without impacting production operations in any way."