ViaSat wins $8.7 million contract to modernize Air Force telemetry tracking, control cryptographic units
Oct. 16, 2007
CARLSBAD, Calif., 16 Oct. 2007.ViaSat Inc. won a $8.7 million contract from the U.S. Air Force Cryptographic Support Group for system design and development of the next-generation Telemetry, Tracking, and Control (TT&C) cryptographic unit. The system is designed to replace legacy equipment used in satellite ground stations.
Rather than develop an all new system, the Space TT&C Crypto Modernization Program Office took a new direction in adapting a compliant, high-assurance encryption product already developed for the crypto modernization initiative.
The contract, which is referred to by the Air Force as Ground Operating Equipment Increment One (GOE I1), also includes options for production of 2,000 units, operator and depot training, system test equipment, and software maintenance and support. Work on the contract is scheduled to be complete in July 2012.
The ViaSat design is based on the HAIPE IS-compliant KG-250, which brings cryptographic flexibility, economies of scale, and an ability to migrate legacy data link systems and applications to network centric communications.
ViaSat team members include Real Time Logic in Colorado Springs, Colo., for systems engineering and development support, and current KG-250 production partners, Secure Communications Systems in Santa Ana, Calif., and Sypris Electronics in Tampa, Fla., for production support.