Flight safety certification for embedded computing announced for Mercury ROCK-2 rugged avionics computer
ANDOVER, Mass. – Mercury Systems Inc. in Andover, Mass., is announcing the availability of flight safety certification of the company's ROCK-2 mission computing architecture to enable systems integrators to focus on developing critical aviation applications, while reducing system development time and cost.
ROCK-2 customers have access to design assurance levels (DAL), from DAL-E to DAL-A for mission-critical applications like avionics, vetronics, ground stations, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
The ROCK-2 embedded computing architecture features BuiltSAFE technology, bringing flight-safety assurance to aerospace and defense applications. The 3U OpenVPX ROCK-2 rugged computer is compatible with the Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) industry standard.
Together, ROCK-2 and BuiltSAFE offer integrators interoperable processing hardware, software, networking, datalink, graphics, and I/O with supporting flight-safety certification artifacts.
The Mercury ROCK-2 offers NXP and multi-core Intel processing options and support of several certifiable real-time operating systems for next-generation processing performance.
Included reusable DAL artifacts simplify the flight-safety certification process for hardware (DO-254) and software (DO-178B/C). For more information contact Mercury Systems online at www.mrcy.com.