SOSA-aligned 6U single-board computer for intensive trusted computing applications introduced by Abaco
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – Abaco Systems in Huntsville, Ala., is introducing the rugged SBC6511 sixth-generation 6U single-board computer for heavy-throughput embedded computing applications.
The SBC6511 is aligned with The Open Group's Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) technical standard, and gives users a technology insertion at the data plane, expansion plane, and control plane.
The design combines the Intel Xeon E 9th Generation microprocessor with the Xilinx ZU7EG Zynq UltraScale+ field-programmable gate array (FPGA) with advanced security capabilities.
The FPGA is the root of trusted-computing in the new design, giving users advanced security compared to "bolt-on" solutions found in other designs. Additionally, the SBC6511 uses Mellanox ConnectX-5 for dual 40 Gigabit Ethernet KR4 data plane fat-pipes for increased bandwidth. It supports Linux, Windows, and VxWorks software operating systems.
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