Army considers digital engineering, 3D virtual models, and simulations to design new armored combat vehicle
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Army is using digital engineering and simulations to develop its next-generation ground combat vehicles, including the Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle (OMFV). Defense News reports. Continue reading original article
The Military & Aerospace Electronics take:
19 Oct. 2021 -- In its simplest iteration, digital engineering moves the design process from 2D blueprints to 3D virtual models, which can then be plugged into realistic simulations to test performance.
Army officials say they plan to use a digital engineering approach to develop the OMFV, which is being designed to replace the M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle armored personnel carrier.
Army leaders still are working out how they will implement digital engineering. They are looking at what cloud environment they will use, whether they want the model to be hosted by the contractor or the Army, and what sort of contract language will be necessary.
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John Keller, chief editor
Military & Aerospace Electronics