Skills with security clearances, like intelligence and information technology (IT), lead to high-paying jobs
WASHINGTON – Enlisted military personnel working in intelligence and information technology (IT) are more likely to find higher paying civilian jobs than troops in the combat arms, medical, and transportation fields, says a study from Rand Corp. reports. Continue reading original article
The Military & Aerospace Electronics take:
29 Nov. 2021 -- By matching more than 1 million military service records from 2002 to 2010 with tax records from the U.S. Social Security Administration, researchers tracked the first three years that troops are out of the military to see how the newly separated veterans' income fared over time and compared to their final pay on active-duty service.
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the growth in civilian contractor jobs requiring a top-secret security clearance might have benefited troops serving in intelligence and information technology positions. People who hold that level of clearance typically earn higher wages.
Those military jobs that launch into higher civilian wages typically have more transferable skills, Goldman said. Looking at enlisted health care fields, such as combat medic, those skills typically transfer to become an emergency medical technician, which is a low-paying job in the civilian sector.
Related: The next 'new frontier' of artificial intelligence
John Keller, chief editor
Military & Aerospace Electronics