U.S. irregular warfare experts to brief industry next month on enabling technologies for counter-terrorism

Feb. 1, 2024
Topics include advanced analytics; chemical and biological warfare; explosives disposal; surveillance, collection; and tactical offensive support.

WASHINGTON – U.S. military irregular warfare experts will brief industry next month on plans to develop enabling technologies for chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives; surveillance collection; explosive ordnance disposal and other irregular warfare applications.

Officials of the Navy Engineering Logistics Office in Washington will conduct industry day briefings from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on 5 March 2024 at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center in Alexandria, Va.

Briefings on irregular warfare enabling technology development will involve advanced analytics; chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives; explosive ordnance disposal and explosive operations; human performance and training; indirect influence and competition; protection, survivability, and recovery; surveillance, collection and operations support; and tactical offensive support.

Briefings will support the U.S. Irregular Warfare Technical Support Directorate (IWTSD) of the U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict.

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Irregular warfare is a struggle among state and non-state actors to influence populations using indirect and asymmetric approaches to erode an adversary's power, influence, and will.

Irregular warfare involves unconventional warfare such as counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency, and involves information support; cyber security; cyber warfare; countering enemy networks; counter-threat finance; civil-military operations; and security cooperation.

Officials of the Irregular Warfare Technical Support Directorate will release their annual broad agency announcement in late March 2024, and potential bidders have one opportunity to discuss requirements and ask questions in person at this industry day.

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The Irregular Warfare Technical Support Directorate will conduct briefings will help companies work with IWTSD program staff about upcoming requirements, and clarify and refine requirements for the final broad agency announcement. Briefings will have morning and afternoon sessions.

Companies interested in attending the briefings should register online no later than 29 Feb. 2024 online at https://events.cttso.gov/2024%20Industry%20Day/Contact/Register.

More information is online at https://www.iwtsd.gov/industryday.html, and at https://sam.gov/opp/c1cec543ff3e441cb6004edbb77285ea/view.

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