Elma Electronic Inc. in Fremont, Calif., is announcing a Type 39 CompactPCI enclosure with built-in system monitoring, inherent redundancy, hot-swap ability, and monitoring. The Type 39c chassis features a 3U 4HP configurable system monitor with Ethernet, RS-232, Web, and Command Line Interface (CLI) capabilities. The unit monitors as many as eight voltages, 12 fan-fail signals, eight temperature sensors, and controls the speed of the fans depending on the temperature buildup. The chassis comes with a CompactPCI or PICMG 2.16-compliant backplane in as many as eight slots. The backplanes have three pluggable 47-pin connectors for hot swapping power supplies for a 500-Watt, N+1 solution. With a sheet-metal design and plugability, the Type 39c chassis family is available in 1U-4U heights in horizontal-mounting orientations. Compliant to PICMG specifications and IEEE 1101.10/.11, the enclosures feature side-to-side 200 cubic feet per minute and 300 linear feet per minute cooling, 300-millimeter depths, and rear I/O options. For more information, contact Elma online at www.elma.com.