Vicor Announces high-density V-I Chip bus converter for high-voltage distribution systems
Vicor Corp. in Andover, Mass., is offering a high-voltage V-I Chip bus converter with a power density of greater than 1,000 watts per cubic inch. The B384F120T30 BCM module is more than 95 percent efficient. The 12-volt output can be paralleled for high-current outputs or connected in series to create a 48-volt bus, making the converter ideal for use in high-performance server and telecommunications AC-DC SMPS. The BCM converter also is for high-power, high-efficiency data-center applications to power individual cards or blades directly from the high-voltage distribution bus. The V-I Chip package-measuring 1.28 by 0.87 by 0.26 inches-is compatible with standard pick-and-place surface-mount machinery and assembly processes. It provides thermal management through its low junction-to-case and junction-to-board thermal resistance. The low impedance of the BCM converter enables POL capacitance minimization or elimination while the positive temperature coefficient of the output means that converters share simply and reliably with no interconnect circuitry; all resulting in savings of board area, materials, and total system cost. For more information contact Vicor online at