The market for VME products will grow about 10 percent in 2008 from the current base of $1 billion, predicts Ray Alderman, executive director of VITA, the open-standards trade association in Scottsdale, Ariz.
Much of this market growth will be in new VME technologies and in maintaining legacy programs in the military commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and industrial market, Alderman says in a white paper entitled “2008 State of the VME Technology Industry.”
In the white paper, Alderman discusses significant markets, technology, mergers/acquisitions, VME forecasts, and risk management trends for the VME industry.
“I predict that the market for VME products will grow about 10 percent in 2008 from the current base of $1 billion. A large portion of that growth will be in new VME Technologies and in maintaining legacy programs in the MIL/COTS and industrial market segments,” Alderman says.
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