Nallatech Ltd. in Glasgow, Scotland, is offering four commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) field-programmable gate-array (FPGA) products that combine the processing and I/O performance of Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGAs with enhancements to Nallatech’s DIME-II architecture including host interface improvements and enhanced clocking. These products extend performance density for Virtex-4 in high-performance embedded computing applications such as surveillance and reconnaissance, software-defined radio, and signals intelligence. Nallatech’s announcement includes the BenNUEY-PCI-X, a PCI-X DIME-II motherboard with on-board Virtex-4 FX FPGA and three DIME-II expansion sites. Three additional FPGA computing modules are part of the new product set: BenBLUE-V4 dual-FPGA processing engine; BenDATA-V4 mixed memory and digital I/O module; and BenADC-V4 ultra-high-speed analog capture module. Nallatech’s COTS FPGA products are available with the Virtex-4 LX FPGAs with high-performance logic capability or the Virtex-4 SX family optimized for DSP performance. For more information contact Nallatech online at