DDC-I in Phoenix is offering its SCORE compilers for the Wind River Workbench, an eclipse-based development suite, and Wind River’s VxWorks real-time operating system. The integration enables developers working within a Wind River Workbench environment to use SCORE tools to develop mixed Ada, C, and Embedded C++ applications for deployment on VxWorks target systems. “The SCORE toolset addresses all aspects of safety-critical application development, debugging, testing, and deployment on VxWorks target systems,” says Bob Morris, president and CEO of DDC-I. SCORE provides optimizing compilers for Ada, C, Embedded C++, and Fortran77, all of which pass the applicable ACATS, PlumHall, Perennial, and FCVS compiler validation suites. To support VxWorks, DDC-I has mapped its own bare run-time system to VxWorks, including all system calls, multitasking, and interrupt processing facilities. In this implementation, SCORE kernel calls are mapped to VxWorks calls, and Ada tasks are mapped to VxWorks tasks. For more information contact DDC-I online at www.ddci.com.