Lockheed Martin Corp. in Bethesda, Md., needed a commercial-off-the-shelf SCA-enabled reconfigurable processing solution for a next-generation communications program.
For this latest project, the company settled on Spectrum Signal Processing Inc. of Burnaby, Canada, and its flexComm SDR-3000 software-defined radio platform.
Lockheed Martin engineers plan to apply the SDR-3000 for waveform development in a software-communications-architecture (SCA) environment.
Spectrum Signal Processing’s SDR-3000 takes advantage of Xilinx field-programmable gate arrays, IBM and Freescale PowerPC processors, and Texas Instruments digital signal processors.
It also incorporates Harris Corporation’s SCA Core Framework, the VxWorks operating system by Wind River, and Spectrum’s quicComm hardware abstraction layer for facilitates algorithm partitioning and programming. The SCA is an open architecture developed by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) for its Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) program.For more information on the SDR-3000, please visit www.spectrumsignal.com.