Army Cyber Situational Awareness Innovation Challenge focuses on cyber threats at brigade level
PICATINNY ARSENAL, 18 Nov. 2015. U.S. Army researchers are reaching out to industry to find cyber security tools that will enable brigade commanders to assess the vulnerability of their units to cyber threats in the field.
Officials of the Army Contracting Command at Picatinny Arsenal, N.J., are issuing a special notice (W15QKN16z2920) to inform industry of the upcoming Cyber Situational Awareness Innovation Challenge project. Army officials are briefing industry on the project today in McLean, Va.
The Cyber Situational Awareness Innovation Challenge project is sponsored by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology, and Army Cyber Command and Second Army.
The project seeks to develop a software-based prototype to evaluate the technical feasibility of a risk-based cyber situational awareness capability to help brigade commanders determine cyber threats to their units at echelon.
Cyber situational awareness involves analytics, data storage, and visualization, and this project focuses on the commander's ability to visualize cyber risk to his networks and computer assets supporting his mission.
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Such a visualization capability includes data sources like networks, friendly assets, open-source information, the activity of key network users and potential threats, and overlays of cyber assets located in the brigade's area of operations.
The goal is to help brigade commanders build a complete cyber situational awareness risk evaluation to enable brigades to operate their data networks and wireless communications without cyber disruptions.
The project is to give commanders and their staffs tailorable and time-relevant situational awareness data for risk-based decision making. The tool also must battlefield units to share data.
For more information contact the Army's Frank Corradi by email at [email protected], or by phone at 973-724-5421.
More information is online at