Air Force shops industry for 1,000 rugged handheld displays for tactical air controllers
HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass., 19 March 2013. U.S. Air Force officials are looking for companies able on short notice to supply about 1,000 rugged handheld displays to help tactical air controllers who direct air strikes from forward-deployed areas of the battlefield.
The Air Force Materiel Command at Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., have released a request for information (FMVR1) called the TACP RFI for Full Motion Video Receiver (FMVR) Display Device.
The RFI is seeking potential sources to provide commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) closed circuit TVs (CCTV) or handheld display devices for use with the TACP Dismounted Full Motion Video Receiver (FMVR), which is part of the Tactical Air Control Party Modernization program (TACP-M).
An Air Force tactical air control party is two or more specially trained warfighters who advise ground commanders on the best use of air power, establish and maintain command, control, and communications, and provide precision terminal attack guidance U.S. attack aircraft.
The Air Force is looking for handheld displays similar to portable security camera displays for use with the TACP Dismounted Full Motion Video Receiver (FMVR).
The RFI is not a guarantee of a formal solicitation, but instead is part of Air Force market research, officials point out.
Air Force experts say they want to find an appropriate handheld device with its own internal power source, but that also can run off external AC or DC power using a converter. The display unit should be 3.5 to 7 inches long, weigh no more than two pounds, and be able to receive input through a BNC connector.
Companies interested should respond no later than 26 March 2013 -- one week from today -- with a color picture of device including dimensions; a description of display resolution;; a battery life description and specifications; ruggedization specifications, as applicable;; warranty information; manufacturing and production schedule a description of any additional features; company contact information; and a description of the company's experience with display devices.
Email responses in .pdf format to the Air Force's Walter Wysocki at [email protected]. For questions or concerns email Air Force Capt. Christopher Monson at [email protected].
More information is online at