Compliance-management tool for safety-critical software development introduced by LDRA
WIRRAL, England, 3 May 2013. LDRA Ltd. in Wirral, England, is introducing the LDRA Compliance Management System (LCMS) to help companies develop the infrastructure to become DO-178B/C, DO-278A, and DO-254 compliant for safety-critical software.
LDRA Certification Services (LCS) experts, accredited across all aviation disciplines, walk customers through plans, standards, and other lifecycle documents, process checklists, and problem reports to help users manage certification planning, development, verification, and regulation.
The LCMS software-development tool is an end-to-end certification solution to help companies manage the costs and schedule of avionics certification projects that frequently extend over several years in development.
The tool's certification management process enables LCS users to comply with standards such as aircraft & systems development (ARP-4754A); safety assessment (ARP-4761); integrated modular avionics (DO-297); flight electronic hardware (DO-254); flight software (DO-178B/C); and ground systems (DO-278/A).
To provide additional flexibility and security for users, LDRA has adapted and licensed LCMS to work in cloud-based or locally hosted environments.
LDRA Certification Services provides support to avionics companies across development, production, and maintenance lifecycle. For more information contact LDRA online at