Four-slot PMC/XMC embedded computing chassis for turnkey applications introduced by PCI Systems

Aug. 20, 2014
SUNNYVALE, Calif., 20 Aug. 2014. PCI Systems Inc. in Sunnyvale, Calif., is introducing the BlackDELTA four-slot PCI Mezzanine Card (PMC) and Express Mezzanine Card (XMC) embedded computing chassis for applications that require turnkey solutions.

SUNNYVALE, Calif., 20 Aug. 2014. PCI Systems Inc. in Sunnyvale, Calif., is introducing the BlackDELTA four-slot PCI Mezzanine Card (PMC) and Express Mezzanine Card (XMC) embedded computingchassis for applications that require turnkey solutions.

The BlackDELTA accommodates the Intel Core i7 processor, has front and rear I/O, a 150-Watt 28-volt power supply, and offers forced-air cooling with integrated chassis fans. Conduction-cooled versions are available.

The chassis has a SATA solid-state drive, rear I/O with lab use PC style connectors, and is available with rugged MIL-DTL circular connectors. The system is modular to accommodate future processor upgrades or to reconfigure the system, company officials say.

CPUs available include the 4th-generation Intel Core i7 4700EQ or Intel Core i5 4402E, with Intel HD Graphics 4600. It accommodates Windows 8, Windows 7, WE8S, WES7, Linux, and VxWorks operating systems.

Available are a 3U VPX extender, PCI Express straddle-mount adapter to 3U VPX, 6U VPX extender, 3U VPX bus extension kit, PCI Express Gen. 3, and 3U thermal load simulation module.

For more information contact PCI Systems online at

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