WILSONVILLE, Ore., 5 Sept. 2009. Mentor Graphics Corp. has unveiled Precise-IP, a vendor-independent intellectual property (IP) platform as part of the Mentor Graphics Precision Synthesis product line. The platform includes vendor-independent configurable IP from Mentor Graphics and links to categorized third-party IP from leading vendors, says a representative. The third-party IP was certified by the respective IP vendor to ensure high-quality results with the Precision Synthesis technology.
As part of a complete vendor-independent IP methodology, the Precise-IP platform contains a library of configurable IP for use with the Precision Synthesis solution. The wizard creates frequently-used synthesizable IP based on user parameter settings. The configuration parameters are then validated by a self-checking GUI to ensure configuration conformance. The IP cores are optimized for best quality of results (QoR) across FPGA families.
A comprehensive catalog of complex cores--such as processors, interface controllers, and application-specific cores--are provided by IP vendors and available for multiple FPGA families. Participating vendors of the Precise-IP Partner Program are ARC, ARM, Aeroflex Gaisler, CAST, Eureka Technology, Helion, IPextreme, Innovative Logic, and OptNgn. Mentor Graphics continues to add new configurable IP and new partners to expand its catalog of supported cores.
"Mentor's Precise-IP is a big win for design engineers," says Gary Smith, principal of Gary Smith EDA. "Non-proprietary, commercial IP that is vendor independent gives the FPGA designer the freedom to select the device that delivers the best results."
"An effective vendor-neutral design methodology requires vendor-independent IP to complement EDA design tools," explains Daniel Platzker, Mentor Graphics FPGA division product line director. "With Precision Synthesis' Precise-IP platform, designers can easily create widely-used IP and find high-quality cores from leading IP vendors, thus retaining the flexibility to retarget their designs to different FPGA silicon as the need arises."
The Precise-IP platform is available within the Precision Synthesis product.