Card retainers to enhance the thermal management of printed circuit boards introduced by Pentair
SAN DIEGO – Pentair plc in San Diego is introducing the Calmark High Thermal "HT" Card Lok. This Schroff card retainer design increases the thermal management performance of printed circuit boards by as much as 15 percent over similarly sized Card Loks.
Printed circuit boards are getting more powerful and as a result thermal management has become more difficult. The 280HT Card Lok provides thermal performance versus cost, especially when compared to other more complex methods like liquid cooling or re-designing existing systems.
Design engineers also must consider reducing size and weight while effectively handling power -- commonly referred to as SWaP requirements. This means meeting increased cooling demands as existing systems support greater data processing loads due to more powerful processors, higher clock cycles, and greater board density.
The 280HT Card Lok meets these challenges by securing electronics while cooling the assembly through increased heat transfer.
The 280HT Card Lok features solid brackets along its length that provide a continuous and uniform surface along the printed circuit board, heat frame, and the cold wall. The internal geometry makes the most of surface contact area while minimizing heat path distance from the board to the cold wall.
For more information contact Pentair online at
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