Navy interested in new computing and sensor technologies for shipboard and submarine sonar

July 10, 2017
WASHINGTON – U.S. Navy shipboard electronics experts are reaching out to industry for new computing and sensor technologies for active and passive sonar systems involved in surveillance, situational awareness, and anti-submarine warfare (ASW).

WASHINGTON – U.S. Navy shipboard electronics experts are reaching out to industry for new computing and sensor technologies for active and passive sonar systems involved in surveillance, situational awareness, and anti-submarine warfare (ASW).

Officials of the Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington released a broad agency announcement (N00024-17-IWS5A-01) in late June for the Submarine and Surface Combat System Sensor and Signal Processing Technologies program.

Navy officials say technologies that industry develops in this program likely will be tested as prototypes before being moved quickly to the fleet. Of prime interest are computers and sensors.

Computing technologies involve applying sophisticated computing technologies such as artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning, and predictive analytics to help detect man-made signals.

Other computing technologies of interest include cyber security, decision support, and detection and classification of ships from visual images.

Related: General Dynamics to provide submarine sonar signal processing for Navy missile and attack boats

Sensor technologies of interest include high-power active sonar projectors in conformal acoustic velocity sonar (CAVES) matrix. Also of interest are new kinds of towed-array sonar telemetry components that use Open Architecture Telemetry (OAT) government-standard interfaces.

Depending on technological progress, Navy officials also may pursue new technologies in automation; torpedo defense; electronic warfare; situational awareness; active sonar signal processing; imaging; computing technologies; sensor technology; and training.

Sponsoring this project is the Naval Sea Systems Command's Advanced Development Office for Undersea Systems, which is part of the Program Executive Office for Integrated Warfare Systems (PEO IWS).

This solicitation will be open until 27 Dec. 2018. Companies interested may request technical information by contacting the Navy's Robert McNeal by post at Commander Naval Sea Systems Command ATTN: Code PEO IWS5A (Robert McNeal), 1333 Isaac Hull Ave., SE, Stop 2040, Washington Navy Yard, DC 20376-2040.

Related: Sonar signal processing job using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) equipment goes to Lockheed Martin

Companies who wish to participate should submit white papers by post to Commander Naval Sea Systems Command ATTN: Code PEO IWS5A (Robert McNeal), 1333 Isaac Hull Ave., SE, Stop 2040, Washington Navy Yard, DC 20376-2040.

Navy officials will invite those submitting the most promising white papers to submit full cost and technical proposals for contracts lasting as long as five years. This phase will involve maturing technologies in the laboratory, as well as and at-sea testing.

For questions or concerns contact the Navy's Patricia Klimowicz by email at [email protected], or by phone at 202-781-3667.

More information is online at

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