AUSTIN, Texas, 24 Nov. 2010. The Astrotech Corp. Space Operations segment in Austin, Texas, will provide spacecraft facilities and payload processing at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., in support of NASA's National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Preparatory Project (NPP) mission under terms of $35 million Air Force contract, Astrotech officials announced.
The NPOESS Prepatory Project is scheduled to launch on 25 Oct. 2011. NPP is a joint mission to extend key measurements in support of long-term monitoring of climate trends and of global biological productivity. The mission will provide atmospheric and sea surface temperatures, humidity sounding, land and ocean biological productivity, and cloud and aerosol properties.
Astrotech (Nasdaq:ASTC) Space Operations helps government and commercial spacecraft operators process their satellite hardware for launch -- including advance planning; use of facilities; and spacecraft checkout, encapsulation, fueling, and transport. The company has facilities in Titusville, Fla.; Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.; and Long Beach, Calif.
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