L3Harris Technologies

Melbourne, FL 32919


About L3Harris Technologies


1025 W NASA Blvd
Melbourne, FL 32919
United States

More Info on L3Harris Technologies

L3Harris Technologies is an agile global aerospace and defense technology innovator, delivering end-to-end solutions that meet customers’ mission-critical needs. The company provides advanced defense and commercial technologies across air, land, sea, space and cyber domains. L3Harris has approximately $18 billion in annual revenue and 48,000 employees, with customers in more than 100 countries.


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L3Harris will handle space electronic warfare enhancements to the U.S. counter-communications system (CCS) to jam enemy satellite communications

Space Force asks L3Harris for upgraded SATCOM electronic warfare jamming and enhanced multiband antenna

L3Harris will provide new capabilities and hardware enhancements to ground-based and deployable offensive space control to deny enemy SATCOM.
The MK 20 EOSS is a major component of the MK 34 5-inch guns aboard Navy Arleigh Burke-class destroyers and Ticonderoga-class cruisers

Navy asks L3Harris to provide spares for shipboard electro-optical targeting sensor aboard surface warships

The EOSS electro-optics system is a check sight and targeting sensor for anti-surface and anti-air warfare and naval gun fire support missions.

L3Harris to continue developing electro-optical UAV- and missile-defense system for Navy surface warships

SPEIR will speed fielding of infrared sensor capability to provide passive surveillance, detection, and weapons cueing for Navy surface warship fleet.

Three companies to build and upgrade MIDS-JTRS tactical networking radios in potential $2 billion contracts

MIDS JTRS are four-channel software-defined radios that deliver existing Link 16 tactical networking with multi-netting-4 and TACAN functionality.

L3Harris moves forward on satellite communications (SATCOM) using commercial internet for military aircraft

L3Harris engineers will establish the ability to communicate with military platforms through multiple commercial space internet constellations.

Navy taps L3Harris for enhancements to shipboard and land-based communications networking technologies

Company to handle upgrades and maintenance on a variety of Navy shipboard and land-based terrestrial and satellite communications systems.

Army combat vehicles experts choose infrared illuminators from L3Harris for battlefield night vision

An infrared illuminator emits light in the infrared spectrum that is invisible to the human eye, but that acts like a flashlight for infrared devices.

L3Harris to continue technical support for GEODSS space surveillance system to track high-orbit satellites

GEODSS tracks 2,5000 objects like geostationary communications satellites, which vary in space from 6,214 miles to nearly 28,000 miles above the Earth.
Trusted Computing

Navy asks L3Harris to upgrade information security for military communications that share tactical picture

Link 16 provides real-time data communications, situational awareness and navigation, and jam-resistant crypto-secured digital voice.
Nulka 5 Oct 2023

L3Harris to build Nulka advanced decoy shipboard electronic warfare (EW) spoofing system for missile defense

ADAP payloads lure missiles away from their intended targets with advanced electronic techniques, and are an upgrade to the existing Nulka decoy.

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Additional content from L3Harris Technologies

Mtm 21 Sept 2023

L3Harris to explore networked sensors and digital signal processing to detect and attack high-value targets

The MTM program aims to develop sensors and exploitation techniques capable of performing wide-area searches to detect high-value targets.
Textron Ssc 8 Sept 2023

Textron and partners to build five landing craft with data acquisition and embedded computing electronics

The landing craft skims across the ocean on an air cushion at speeds faster than 40 knots, while riding about four feet above the ocean's surface.
Sps 48 Radar 24 July 2023

L3Harris to supply AN/SPS-48 land-based air-surveillance detection and tracking radar for Egyptian military

The SPS-48 land-based surveillance radar is a long-range 3-D RF and microwave sensor for fixed and transportable land-based applications.
Deucsi 10 July 2023

Three defense companies move ahead on path-agnostic space internet that capitalizes on commercial satellites

DEUCSI project seeks to move and share data seamlessly among fixed and mobile locations using high-bandwidth beyond-line-of-sight communications.
Osprey 5 April 2023

L3Harris to build and upgrade airborne electronic warfare (EW) to defend aircraft from missile attacks

ALQ-211 detects, denies, disrupts, degrades, and evades guided missiles, and provides situational awareness of RF, infrared, and laser weapons sensors.
Mk 20 Eoss 21 Dec 2022

Navy asks L3Harris to provide shipboard electro-optical targeting sensors to help warships hit their targets

MK 20 EOSS is part of the 5-inch guns aboard Navy Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, Ticonderoga-class cruisers, and Coast Guard Offshore Patrol Cutter.
E 2 D 3 Nov 2022

Navy asks L3Harris to build tactical networking avionics for E-2D aircraft to blend sensors and weapons

The CEC is a tactical sensors and weapons network for anti-air warfare that combines information from sensors operating over large geographic areas.
Eoss 28 Sept 2022

L3Harris to provide U.S. Navy and Australia with electro-optics sensors fire control for warship deck guns

The EOSS electro-optics system is a check sight and targeting sensor for anti-surface and anti-air warfare and naval gun fire support missions.
Shipboard Ew 15 Sept 2022

Navy asks L3Harris to provide missile-defense electronic warfare (EW) payloads to protect surface warships

ADAP payloads lure missiles away from their intended targets with advanced electronic techniques, and are an upgrade to the existing Nulka decoy.
Image Intensifier 15 June 2022

U.S. military chooses electro-optical image-intensifier tubes for night vision from Elbit and L3Harris

MX-11769 has a high-efficiency gallium arsenide (GaAs) photocathode bonded to a glass input window, and a microchannel plate (MCP) current amplifier.
Hornet Display 13 June 2022

Navy orders targeting network embedded computing avionics system for attack jets from Boeing and L3Harris

The DTP-N is a data- and signal-processing computer that bridges gaps between data networks in real time, and produces a common operating picture.
Sincgars Modernization 28 March 2022

Army asks Thales and L3Harris to upgrade SINCGARS military radios as part of encryption modernization

Companies will compete for orders to modernize SINCGARS radios to align with the National Security Agency crypto modernization requirements.
Blood Uav 18 Nov 2021

Army tests blood delivery via unmanned aircraft

Blood deliveries via UAV could be a big step forward for battlefield first aid, and the fight against the clock to get their patients the care they need.
Counter Satcom 26 Oct 2021

L3Harris to upgrade space electronic warfare (EW) system

The Counter Communications System (CCM) is a transportable space electronic warfare system that reversibly denies adversary satellite communications.
Burke Gun Firing 6 Oct 2021

L3Harris to build electro-optical gun sights for Navy ships

The MK 20 EOSS is for the MK 34 5-inch guns aboard Navy destroyers and cruisers, as well as aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Offshore Patrol Cutter.
Wescam 27 Sept 2021

CCC to upgrade L3Harris Wescam electro-optical sensor

WESCAM MX-20D electro-optical sensor turret is for high-altitude, long-range persistent surveillance, reconnaissance, and target acquisition.
The Tactically Responsive Launch-2 (TacRL-2) mission launched on a Northrop Grumman Pegasus XL rocket from Vandenberg Space Force Base in June, delivering a technology demonstration satellite to low-Earth orbit. U.S. Space Force photo

Space Force focuses on satellites, rockets, radar, and cyber security

The newest branch of the U.S. military in residence at the Pentagon, the U.S. Space Force, operates at the upper limits of human territory.
Cbsp Ulv 2 March 2021

L3Harris to provide shipboard data communications

CBSP ULV provides terminal-to-shore, terminal-to-space, and terrestrial connectivity for commercial SATCOM and redundancy for military SATCOM.
Rn Dmc 24 Feb 2021

L3Harris to design long-range communications antennas

The RN DMC program seeks to replace high-powered amplifiers and large directional antennas with mosaics of spatially dispersed tile transceivers.
L3 Harris Radio 8 Feb 2021

L3Harris to develop jam-resistant radio communications

WARP to show how adaptive RF filtering based on state-of-the-art components can filter RF interference with a 9:1 tuning ratio for full-band coverage.
Ah 64 E 5 15 Jan 2021

L3Harris to help Army Apache helicopters control UAVs

The MUMT-X avionics hardware enables the AH-64E crew to control the sensors and flight path of the RQ-7 Shadow and the MQ-1C Gray Eagle UAV
Hawklink 11 Nov 2020

L3Harris to provide digital datalinks for allied helicopters

The L3Harris rugged AN/SRQ-4 Hawklink enables surface ships and MH-60R helicopters to share information from radar, video, network, and acoustic data interfaces.
Military Gps 10 Nov 2020

Three contractors to develop ASICs for next-gen GPS

The project will develop small low-power-consumption GPS enabling technologies to include a next-generation ASIC for secure GPS land navigation.
E 4 B Aircraft 26 Oct 2020

L3Harris to upgrade SSHF SATCOM aboard E-4B aircraft

The four Air Force E-4B jets serve as survivable mobile command posts for the U.S. president, secretary of defense, and other national commanders.
Submarine Sonar 9 Oct 2020

L3Harris Chesapeake to build submarine towed-array sonar

The TB-29X thin line towed array passive sonar is the same size as the TB-29 array, yet offers increased capability and greater reliability.
Tracking Layer 8 Oct 2020

SDA awards contracts for first-generation Tracking Layer

Contracts seek to develop the first eight low-cost satellites to provide missile warning and tracking information to national defense authorities.
Military Hf 6 Oct 2020

The military renaissance in high frequency communications

Also helping are reductions in size, weight, and power, and wideband data, enhanced encryption, and interoperability with legacy HF sets.