Offering products and services to streamline the design, deployment and sustainment of high-performance electronic test and verification systems, includinghigh-quality modular PXI, LXI, USB and PCI signal switching and simulation products for electronic test and verification and supporting cable and connector solutions, diagnostic test tools, application software, and software drivers.
These modules are scalable solutions that can be used to switch signals between simulations and real-life devices in a multitude of hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation and test...
Our programmable resistors feature up to 18 channels in a single PXI slot, resistance ranges from 1Ω to 22MΩ, resolutions dow to 2mΩ with accuracies dow to 0.03%.
Pickering’s LXI modular chassis, available in 2, 7 or 18-slot, support over 1,000 of their PXI modules, the 2-Slot version features remote control via USB or LXI Ethernet.
We offer a wide range of PXI RF & Microwave switch modules used to increase the flexibility of Test & Measurement systems with signal bandwidths from DC to 65GHz
Programmed as a single matrix entity, the integrated design ensures high matrix performance with high signal bandwidth and fewer implementation errors.
Tom Sarfi, Business Development Manager at Pickering Interfaces, details the latest trends in the test industry, key distinctions between military aerospace and commercial testing...