Jan. 14, 2019
This cable has been specially designed by PIC for airborne 10and 100 Base-T High Speed Data applications. The cable isunshielded and designed for specific entertainment systemsnot requiring shielding. Without the shield, termination timeand weight are reduced.Data transmission aboard aircraft faces a more severeenvironment than conventional LAN systems in commercialbuildings, hence special measures have been taken topreserve technical performance.Each conductor is surrounded by solid fluoropolymer. Silverplatedcopper stranded conductors assure uniform conductivitywith excellent solderability and flexibility. An ETFE laserwire markable jacket protects the cable against abrasionand environmental effects while maintaining flexibility forease of installation.E60224 exceeds ANSI/TIA-568-C.2 Channel Requirements.It is Skydrol resistant, RoHS compliant and passes the FAAflammability requirements of FAR Part 23 and 25, AppendixF. Test results are available upon request.

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